They note that NHPs are particularly useful preclinical models because of their genetic similarity to humans, size, and the relatively faster rate of development of CVD compared to humans. [47], NEAVS supports using alternatives to animals in research, testing, and education, and promotes in vitro, epidemiological, and clinical study data as more predictive for humans. Supplies of marmosets can be increased rapidly relative to macaques, because of the relatively short generation time of marmosets and the fact that pregnancies usually result in twins rather than singletons. 2017). Animal research is generally recognized to be costly, time-consuming, and unreliable, and much of this research is neither appropriate nor applicable to humans. Considering animals as mere research tools, an entire industry has been built around supplying animals to laboratories. [29] Soon after, other organizations allied with NEAVS and after a decade of advocacy the National Institutes of Health (NIH) announced it would retire almost 90% of its chimpanzees to sanctuary. WebNEW ENGLAND ANtI-VIVISECtIoN SoCIEtY Phone: Fax: Email: 617.523.6020 617.523.7925 presidents Annual Message support to end chimpanzee use in biomedical research, our work has, as importantly, set the stage for arguments regard-ing the use of all species. For general information submit a message through our CONTACT FORM. This article provides a detailed review of the use of NHP preclinical models to study several aspects of conditions associated with metabolic syndrome, including glucose resistance, diabetes, dyslipidemia, and hypertension. JCI These prevalent diseases include HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, hepatitis, neurodegenerative disease, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, respiratory disease, and defects in vision, among others. They also discuss early experiments using chimpanzees, which, while unsuccessful in themselves, provided information that was useful for development of the SIV-macaque animal model. Large animal models such as dogs and swine are also used in some fields, such as oncology and transplantation medicine. Founded by Ethel Thurston, PhD, in 1977, AFAAR's mission is to "promote and assist the development and use of alternatives to animals in science." [38][55][56][57], Through its Sanctuary Fund, NEAVS makes grants to organizations providing lifetime care for animals previously used in research. 2015), and animals with genetically encoded calcium indicators that can be used for imaging neural activity in vivo (Park et al. National Research Council (US) Institute for Laboratory Animal Research endobj Specifically, I thank the NPRC Directors, Drs. Projects Kilkenny <> All Rights Reserved. 2013, 2017). The authors emphasize many different aspects of this topic, including effects of genetics, epigenetics, and diet on CVD; the relationship of infectious disease and CVD, as exemplified by studies of Chagas disease; and the use of stem cell-based technologies to develop NHP preclinical models. . I also hope these reviews will provide critical basic information on the use of NHPs for translational research to the very large number of stakeholders, including patients, involved with these high-profile diseases and to the general public. BE [20] The resulting test better predicted human lethal blood concentrations. The animal rights organizations are more successful at molding public opinion than are the research organizations that use animals. CROs may both breed and import animals, where importation is possible. Now the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH)the main supporter of chimpanzees maintained for biomedical researchfinds itself facing an incendiary debate over whether it should phase out such studies or breed more animals for future generations of investigators. Mouse models for drug discovery. The website for the US National Primate Research Centers (NPRCs) includes short discussions of the use of NHPs to study several different diseases ( A particularly timely example is development of a highly efficacious vaccine for HIV/AIDS. Peabody agreed, and Greene began organizing a number of Boston's influential individuals. AWS There are currently no plans to develop an NHP version of the human HapMap. 4 0 obj Local Institutional Animal Care and Use Committees must approve any procedure at a given institution utilizing laboratory animals, including NHPs (Tardif et al. $35 annual membership gives you access to CME events. , Johnson Z, Trask JS, Smith DG, Ramakrishnan R, Bahk G, Ng J, Wiseman R, Kubisch HM, Vallender EJ, Rogers J, Ferguson B. Ke The physiological response to stress can differentially affect the animals reaction to a given experimental intervention (Capitanio 2017). 2 0 obj As this article was being written, the US Food and Drug Administration temporarily suspended research aimed at understanding aspects of nicotine addiction using squirrel monkeys, apparently based on a direct request of the primatologist, Dr. Jane Goodall, to the FDA Commissioner (McGinley 2017). 2016), using small numbers of females. 2016; SCHEER, 2017). Our focus is now on providing former laboratory chimpanzees release and restitution in sanctuary. They point out that NHPs are more similar to humans than are rodents in a number of aspects of energy metabolism, including the major site of de novo lipogenesis (liver vs. adipose tissue), major classes of circulating lipoproteins, and the physiology of thermogenesis and insulin-mediated glucose utilization. As discussed by Hewitt et al. John Capitanio describes research that identifies individual rhesus macaques housed at the California NPRC that can be used as models for loneliness, behavioral inhibition, and social functioning, among others. Hay Monroe, A.L. WebCommittee on Chimpanzees in Biomedical and Behavioral Research August 11, 2011 in Washington D.C. My name is Dr. Theodora Capaldo. NHPs have been critical animal models for development of all current approaches aimed at halting the AIDS epidemic in humans, including developing anti-retroviral therapies, decreasing maternal-fetal transmission of HIV, testing microbicides, and designing more effective strategies for development of efficacious AIDS vaccines. (2015), Phillips et al. A feature of NHP research is that the demand for some species waxes and wanes over time, for example for baboons and marmosets. These concepts are in quite early stages of development, and their eventual contribution to translational research is uncertain (see, e.g., a discussion in the SCHEER Report, 2017). NHPs present difficulties relative to rodents in regard to genetic modification. However, this is often done with limited success, because many human diseases do not naturally occur in the animals used. NEAVS' Fellowship Grant for Alternatives to Animal Research in Women's Health and Sex Differences funds a woman committed to alternatives to animal methods in the investigation of women's health or sex differences in research results. Much of this discussion is centered around the use of rodents, not NHPs, and is based, in part, on two observations: First, data obtained from animal models obtained by academic laboratories and their industrial collaborators, published in highly regarded peer-reviewed journals, often cannot be reproduced by development teams within pharmaceutical companies. Natural differences in physiology, metabolism, and anatomy between humans and other animals lead to very different reactions to various stimuli. , Gautam A. Xue Given the complexity of translational research and the fact that any animal model cannot totally reproduce the human condition, there are many challenges and opportunities when NHPs are used for translation. [12] The resulting alternative was later used by a number of product and cosmetics companies. Supply problems for rhesus macaques for HIV/AIDS-related investigations have been largely alleviated since the early 1990s, when colonies of specific pathogen-free animals at the NPRCs and the Caribbean Primate Center were reestablished and supported by funding from the NIH. Cause IQ is a website that helps companies grow, maintain, and serve their nonprofit clients, and helps nonprofits find additional foundation funding. Although it would be impractical to publish the entire animal record for each experimental subject, these records contain a great deal of information that could be mined by qualified investigators to aid in the design of experiments and to form the basis of retrospective studies that could include animals or tissues derived from them from several different centers and investigations. 2016; Sasaki 2015; Sasaki et al. The ability of primate centers to quickly respond to relatively sudden increases in demand remains an unsolved problem. Neeves. In summary, advances in NHP genomics have high potential to identify and develop NHP models of use for translational research. All rights reserved. In brief, the whole genome sequence or the exomic sequence (expressed genes) of an NHP can be used for the following (for a more detailed discussion, see Harding 2013, 2017 and references therein; Bimber et al. Additionally, a large number of scientists use genetic engineering (i.e., inserting, deleting, or otherwise altering the function of genes) or physical, chemical, and/or biological means to cause human conditions or symptoms in animals, creating models who may exhibit human diseases. The US National Research Council Institute for Laboratory Animal Research and the National Center for the Replacement, Refinement and Reduction of Animals in Research in the United Kingdom have provided guidance to journal editors, authors, and reviewers regarding information that should be included in publications relating to experimental animals (National Research Council 2011; Kilkenny et al. [8], The philosophy of NEAVS emphasizes that the use of animals in research, testing, and education is unscientific, as shown in numerous studies; is unnecessary due to the availability of and continuing development of alternatives that yield results superior to animal use; and that the humane and ethical arguments against the suffering and death of millions of animals in labs each year has never been stronger given how modern science shows animal use has limitations, dangers, and is little or no benefit to human health. (2017) have reported sequencing of several additional rhesus, which can be used to further refine the rhesus genome assembly and allow new inferences about rhesus genome organization and potential for identifying disease genes in captive populations. WebAs previously reported by NABR, the New England Anti-Vivisection Society (NEAVS) has drastically increased its FOIA use by hundreds of requests per month. This article describes and discusses the details of this program (termed the Biobehavioral Assessment Program), the differences between these naturally occurring NHP models and induced models of conditions such as loneliness, and measurement of relevant physiological and genetic parameters in these animal models. These include models for Huntingtons Disease (Chan 2013), diseases caused by mitochondrial mutations (Takibana et al. harmful, invasive, and lethal research on all great apes in the U.S.the largest holding of chimpanzees for use in research in the world. , Comuzzie AG, Havill LM, Karere GM, Spradling KD, Mahaney MC, Nathanielsz PW, Nicolella DP, Shade RE, Voruganti S, VandeBerg JL. Zimmermann, E.J. Animals often suffer greatly in these studies, as they are inflicted with diseases, traumas, and pain they would not normally experience in order to mimic human conditions. An Assessment of the Role of Chimpanzees in AIDS Vaccine Research Bailey, J. , Li W, Lai X, Chen H, Huang O, Kang XZ, Li K, Ren J, Lin X, Zheng H, Huang W, Ma Y, Xu D, Chen Z, Song X, Lin X, Zhuang M, Wang T, Zhuang F, Xi J, Mao FF, Xia H, Lahn BT, Zhou Q, Yang S, Xiang AP. [22][23] A survey completed by the Humane Society Veterinary Medical Association in 2007 indicated that half of U.S. vet schools no longer require terminal labs in core courses.