Thousands more will be added in the future, although it must be pointed out that many of these are at least second-hand. Sightings of a strange greyhound-like animal with black body stripes had been made by people in the Blaxland Road area of Wentworth Falls, where it had been raiding homes for food. I went back to England shortly afterwards but on my recent return to Australia the article by Samela Harris on the sightings of the thylacien and the resulting correspondence makes me wonder whether what we saw could have been a marsupial tiger or wolf. Suddenly we saw sitting in the road ahead an animal which at first we took to be a dog. I saw it for about 5 seconds as it crossed a remote dirt road. It had very fluid movements & its body was covered in short hair of a light fawn colour. (p. 26), "The Newnes Plateau country has lately [2015-2016] been the scene of a few tiger sightings, and paw prints finds which may, or may not have been made by Thylacines. The snout was not longer than a greyhound and was more Alsatian-like. Thylacine sighting, Gippsland Victoria, 1990's. Warren Darragh is part of the Thylacine Research Unit, a group of scientists, naturalists and specialists that investigate reliable sightings. Both animals disappeared within seconds into the rainforest.". The monster's screams, according to one local resident, were like "a woeful cough that goes on and on, like a human being on their death bed". ", Source:, "In a recent newsletter I wrote on the search for the Thylacine, particularly the researches being done by Heather and I. He thought it couldn't be true, Christian said of his dad, who he described as your typical Australian bushy. It then ran off under a barb wire fence to disappear into the regrowth vegetation.". It looked to be Alsatian dog-sized and he saw the familiar dark body stripes of a Thylacine. It had a sharp face, full ears, a hard erect rather round body, high in the shoulders, tall lean thin legs, long thin hard looking tail and the faintest glimpse of darker stripes around the body.". I was driving south about 20 min into a 9 hr drive home to Melbourne when a 'thing' with the strangest walk/run burst from the scrub straight across the road, in front of me & a White landcruiser ute travelling the other way. The eyes were very keen, watching in a way domestic dogs do not. You can unsubscribe at any time. Nobody in her family believed what she had seen until 3 days later when she was coming home with her daughter and about 2kms from home they saw the same animal run into the bush and her daughter described it exactly as Donna had seen it. Tantalising sightings of this enigmatic Australian marsupial continue to inspire the belief that it could still be out there. The Thylacine ( Thylacinus cynocephalus ), or Tasmanian tiger, is an icon of recent extinctions, but the timing of its final demise is shrouded in controversy. I have also heard a report about six months ago from an elderly family friend. Processing every individual sensory detail is impossible, she says, so our brain actively reconstructs our visual world based on the complex but ambiguous input received by our eyes. Michael noticed that it had a distinct waddle of the back legs as it walked and he watched it turn away from him and saw that it had a white band at the end of the tail with a black tip. The animal had escaped into scrubland that extends eastward to a gully, which drops down into the Grose Valley, where sightings of Thylacine-type animals continue to be reported seen by campers and bushwalkers to the present day.". A report made to Naturalist/Cryptozoologist Gary Opit, through his popular Wildlife Talkback radio show. This animal had walked around the edge of before drinking, then retraced its steps back towards the gully. They did not believe that it was a dog, dingo or a fox. Thylacine What does one make of these? Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Dad always said it was [a Tasmanian tiger]., They believed there could be no doubt.". But on Feb. 23, TMAG and Mooney released a statement explaining the creature snapped in the footage was most likely a Tasmanian pademelon, a short, stout marsupial similar to a wallaby. They said that about five weeks before, on 27th November 1979, while photographing birds at Mount Mondilla, they found paw prints in mud that appeared to match those of the Thylacine. According to Brook, beyond the usual platitudes of almost any species being unique and remarkable, theres something special about this one. "Theirstriking similaritiesare the result of convergentevolution, a process where different animals evolve to look the same because they occupy similar places in the ecosystem," their report states. The following quote is taken from a book, and does not include any direct quotes from the witness: "Among those who say they have seen thylacines in the mountainous wilderness of the Namadgi-Kosciusco National Park along the New South Wales-Victorian border is ranger Peter Simon, who saw one for several seconds in broad daylight in 1982, from a distance of 100 feet." At the time of writing this book [2017] Thylacine tracks are still being left at this site.". "Congratulations everyone. It was obvious that the animal had seen/smelt/heard or sensed my presence and simply vanished. My mother in the passenger seat (who grew up in B/Hill) could only splutter "what is that?!" ", Source:, Please consider purchasing or sharing my new Kindle eBook on the current biodiversity crisis, to help raise funds for this website:, A free Kindle eReader app can be downloaded for PC and Mac users: The thylacine is believed to have been extinct since 1936, when the last living thylacine, Benjamin, died in Hobart zoo. By signing up, you will receive newsletters and promotional content and agree to our. The tiger tracks were found in a hanging swamp area which was part of a rain forest on the south side of the mountain. THYLACINE TRAIL CAM UPDATE FEBRUARY 2021 - YouTube It was 11 am, and I observed the animal for 1-2 minutes from a distance of about 15-20 metres; it ran along the sand which was covered with some very small bushes, the rest of the area being sandy. In 2005, a WWF camera-trap caught footage of a mystery carnivore likely a flying squirrel in the jungle of Indonesian Borneo. These were only half-an-hour old and led deep into dense forest. A fuller account of his sighting can be found on his website: "On Tuesday 22nd February 1972 at 10.15 pm, a female companion and I were driving along the Great Western Highway just south of Blackheath toward Katoomba in the Blue Mountains of New South Wales. I showed him a photo on-line, and he said "That's it. Why does he believe these are Tasmanian pademelons? Next time I see it I will take a photo. It was about 5ft from head to tail tip and up to 1 ft tall. The animal was a tan-caramel color with pronounced dark stripes from shoulders to rump and had a ridged "kangaroo like" tail. Plus, save 30% of the subscription price today. I really did not think about it too much until about 10 years later when I saw pictures of the strange animal I encountered that day. (1997). They phoned and spoke about their experience on my Wildlife Talkback programme.". Thank you for your purchase with, When will my domain start working? For more information, please see this page. The neighbour heard the commotion as well. Each time it was in the same area, crossing the same road xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, heading into a sugar cane field. When I saw the impressions I recognised them at once as those of a Thylacine, and immediately began making plaster casts of them. Robyn was driving near the Club House just before entering Cliff Drive, where a two, roofed house stands amid pine trees, on the corner opposite the golf course and beside a, when in the headlights glare they both saw a Thylacine, According to Robyn, the animal was as large as a, mewhat like a cat. Scientists are trying to resurrect the Tasmanian tiger. He passed it and stopped the car but it had disappeared into the bush by the time he looked back. Driving on deeper into the range we stopped to investigate an extensive tract of swampland, whose muddy shoreline contained paw prints of wombats, wallabies, bandicoots, possums and dingos. The road is long and straight. *It had strong powerful hind legs*smaller front legs*A long stiff tail that pointed straight out. Want more science plus health, environment, tech and more? The size of a dog, it had a big distinctive head, brown fur and a stiff kangaroo-like tail. He stopped the car and turned off the motor and watched it from 2 metres away in the high beam of the headlights as it stared at him. "At 10.15 p.m. on Tuesday, February 22, 1972, a friend and I were driving along thee Great Western Highway just south of Blackheath towards Katoomba in the NSW Blue Mountains. "We're partnering with the huge team from the US who have been proposing to bring back the woolly mammoth," he told ABC News Mornings. Both times it was too difficult to see it properly, because it was travelling so quickly. It had sandy coloured fur, a stubby muzzle and a long tail. Does the Tasmanian tiger still exist? He had a second sighting in or around 2012 (NSW.c2012.xx.xx). Years later I mentioned it to locals in Wee Waa when I worked there as a doctor. Trailing a Tiger. It scratched itself with its hind leg like a dog. Clive said that there were no foxes up there in the Whian Whian Range. "2008, Upper Wilsons Creek; Tracey emailed the ABC North Coast Radio station to describe her sighting. The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (NSW : 1803 - 1842), Sat 30 Nov 1811, p. 2. The animal vanished off the highway into the darkness in seconds into roadside scrub. There have continued to be reported sightings by people who believe the animal is still about. Jackson Ryan is CNET's award-winning science editor. ", The footage has not convinced Mooney or the dozens of commentators on Waters' YouTube video. Australasian Post, 31 January. The thylacine is believed to have been extinct since 1936, when the last living thylacine, Benjamin, died in Hobart zoo. It looked like a cross between a dog and a kangaroo. New Study Suggests Thylacines Have "Some Chance of Ongoing Persistence in the Remote Wilderness" of The swamp is surrounded by dense scrub and situated at the foot of a deep gully encased by steep cliffs. Its eyes were pale green reflecting in our weak head torches. Its buttocks were tapered toward the tail. The stone missed its mark and the animal, looking up, saw the people and ran at great speed up the slope with a very unusual gait. In May 2002, for example, an environmental scientist reported two sightings of an adult and a juvenile in the same location on two separate days. She then saw it run as fast as it could down the street towards the cane fields. These were only half-an-hour old and led deep into dense forest. After 5 minutes I drove slowly towards it and at about 10 m in front of my car it suddenly pushed with its hind legs and with great power it ran off the road into the vegetation on all four legs. (2016). I slowed the car to a walk desperatly trying to follow its progress through the scrub. The animal was in the headlights of my car eating road kill in the middle of a road and then bolted into thick scrub. "Once you've got the Tasmanian devil genome and you know what needs to be changed to match the thylacine, that's the way to go.". With the bag over the animals head they were able to safely release it back into the wild. Main image: A thylacine at Hobart Zoo in Tasmania, Australie. The animal died three years later, and the species was declared extinct. All Rights Reserved. At first she thought that it was a wallaby. The channel's videos have racked up a total of4.5 million views. No sex identifiers noticed. But in 2021, the story of the thylacine took a different turn. The Tasmanian tiger, or thylacine, a large, predatory marsupial that ranged across Tasmania and Australia, was declared extinct in 1936. document.links[t].removeAttribute('target'); It was in clear view for 12-15 seconds. However, I did not receive any response. The farm owner yelled out Its a monster, we will have to kill it and picking up a stone, threw it at the strange animal. I paint thylacines frequently and last year we had a gallery in Fletcher St Byron Bay with a thylacine on a rock with the word Imagine inscribed on the rock. Whatever it was it most certainly was neither a dog nor a dingo. ", "1988, Cawongla near Kyogle; on the roadside at night, Len saw a thylacine-like animal showing distinct dark brown banding on the rump, hips, and legs and along the tail. These were able to hold their own in a fight with a dog and would attack if put under pressure. They would have been unable to handle large prey. The time was 11.30am. while I was speechless at what I saw. An Ambulance officer related this story to a colleague sometime after 1998. Had it found its way across country, movingat night, from the Medlow Bath-Grose Valley region, keeping to the water catchment scrub intoKatoomba, or else along the Megalong Valley cliffs side, avoiding houses to reach the area it wasseen in? I made all the observations with great care, hoping to discuss the animal with my colleagues, but they unfortunately had been collecting on the opposite side of the road, and had not seen it. It was around the year 1948. ", I take "on occasions" to represent at least three separate encounters (viz. What did I see:* It was the size of medium to large dog* It moved like NOTHING else I had ever seen before. TASMANIAN TIGER HAS BEEN FOUND IN 2021?! - YouTube As they passed through Medlow Bath, and just past the Foy Avenue turnoff, which is a busy area, about 6.1 metres ahead of his vehicle, illuminated by the headlights and standing on the left of the highway near street lights, they all spotted a dog-like animal of Alsatian size. In 2017, he concluded that video footage shot by a trio of thylacine hunters in Tasmania's southern interior was most probably a spotted quoll. which is not far from Sydney's International airport and along the shores of Botany Bay. ", "2005, New Brighton; Gary and Sharmaine observed a thylacine-like animal with a striped rump. At this moment they both saw a greyhound-like animal, long and skinny, run across the highway from the right-hand side [south] to the left [north]. The area was open paddock with a ridge-line that the animal was moving along. As we were driving towards Rosebank, I saw an animal about the size of a whippet dash across a grassy slope. Anyone who has seen the earth around Broken Hill it was that colour. We all agreed, the animal looked like a Tasmanian Tiger, body stripes and all, and about the size of a large dog. The elderly chaps sighting was about ten years ago in the same area, closer to dawn, about 6am.". ", Source:Anonymous. Its body was sloped and the tail followed the slope. My other children and I heard the strange noise, but did not go out to investigate. The tail was long and stuck straight out behind it. Source:Hunt, Elle. and again as it loped away in a carefree manner. They said that the depth of impression of the tracks suggested an animal of at least 75 lb weight. So from that experience I do believe they are still knocking around.". These were of a chocolat, and not very obvious. It looked like a female lion, but it had stripes on the flank and stripes on the tail. The first day we spooked it as we drove by a sheep carcass, which it seemed it was feeding on. Both possibilities were in the news this week with an interesting eyewitness report from Adelaide and a comment from the doctor working with thylacine DNA. But, as a perceived threat to livestock, their days were numbered. an amateur not-for-profit organisation dedicated to the elusive creature, eight claimed sightings of the thylacine between 2016 and 2019. The fur was short, with a sandy beige colour. Daily Telegraph (Australia), 19 November, p. 3. The date was Tuesday 22nd February 1972 at 10.15pm, when we were forced to stop, at the turnoff to Evans Lookout, on the Great Western Highway just south of Blackheath township. "Back in 1960 Mr Gordon Pereira [of whom more will be said anon] was a NSW Government Railways station assistant, driving his car home from work at Medlow Bath railway station about 10pm when, 1 miles east of the [since demolished] Caltex depot on Whipcord Hill, on the Great Western Highway, an animal which he described as being about greyhound size with a large head, was caught in his headlights as it ran across the highway from the scrubland on the western [Megalong Valley] side to the railway lines, disappearing within seconds. Its physical appearance matched that of stuffed specimen's preserved in government museums.". when you subscribe to BBC Wildlife magazine. It seemed to be stationary for a second or two as it was down the end of a long stretch of road so I managed a pretty good look. Rex Gilroy believes so. He said it was walking beside the cane field, and then turned and went into the cane. Its body fur was a mousy-brown colour with greyish stripes extending barrel-wise along the body. The Recently Extinct Plants and Animals Database. Waters said the picture of the supposed mother and father are ambiguous, but that the baby was definitely a thylacine. "Since the 19th century, theres been claims of them living in the Jenolan range.". Even if the evidence was more solid, photos and videos cannot, alone, prove the existence of the thylacine. Rod and I later staked out the site overnight with cameras, in the hope of capturing a tiger on film as it came to drink at the swamp, but failed to see any. He also owns a lot of ugly Christmas sweaters. Scientists say they have never been in a better position to bring thylacines back. It was about 5ft [1.53m] in length from head to tail, whichwas stiff with no point. "In 1978, he was 7 or 8 at at the time and lived on a farm near Nundle NSW. The terrain was undulating wooded hillsides with ajoining farming valleys. My brother was asleep in the back. It had stripes that were not bold. An uptick in bobcat sightings in the Danvers area has surprised many residents. Ah we were looking at the pademelons, there was maybe about six of them just grazing on this clearing and then to, ah out of nowhere, this animal just came and pounced on one of the pademelons and grabbed it around the neck and, and I just just took me by surprise. Anonymous. She loped away, heading west towards the golf course. Then seeing us, turned and dashed off into the darkness. It was early morning around 5.30 to 6.00 a.m. when she heard a commotion outside the house as if a dog was fighting with our cats. More formally known as thylacines, the species is also known as the Tasmanian wolf or Tasmanian tiger due to both their resemblance to a wolf and the striped pattern along the back half of their bodies. April 2023. Zabloc saw an animal near the Minyon Falls turnoff on Repentance Creek Road that could have been a Thylacine. WebMYS251: The Thylacine or Tasmanian tiger lived in Australia for thousands of years, but went extinct in 1936. Now he has the best job in the world, telling stories about space, the planet, climate change and the people working at the frontiers of human knowledge. According to the National Museum of Australia, which holds one of the most significant thylacine-related collections in the world, thelast known shooting of a wild thylacine took place in 1930, and by the mid-part of that decade sightings in the wild were extremely rare. And then theres the thylacines resemblance to a dog or wolf despite the fact that placental mammals split from marsupials some 160 million years ago making it a perfect example of convergent evolution. Ina 2021 statement from TMAG, Mr Mooney rejected Mr Waters's identification of the animals as thylacines. Leaping from his bed, Mr Pereira went torch in hand to investigate his trap. The mystery of the Tasmanian Tiger | Mint Its physical appearance matched that of stuffed specimens preserved in government museums. "I know what they are and so do a few independent expert witnesses," he said. It was an animal of similar size as I saw and it passed in front of their car so close that both thought it was certain to be hit. Robyn was driving near the Club House just before entering Cliff Drive, where a two-storied,shingle-roofed house stands amid pine trees, on the corner opposite the golf course and beside asecond house, when in the headlights glare they both saw a Thylacine moving slowly across the roadfrom the Club House towards two houses. In search of mountain tigers. ", "In 1986 the Gilroys were contacted by Mrs Patricia Marson, to say that, in October 1972, she was on a camping trip with the Sydney Bushwalkers Club at Mount Wilson, which like nearby Mount Irvine, overlooks the Wollemi National Park/Wollangambe Wilderness country, from out of which tigers have been known to emerge to be seen hereabouts and at nearby Bilpin. He only saw the Thylacine twice during the same week, approximately 3 years after he began working in those ranges. The Thylacine Awareness Group of Australia, an amateur not-for-profit organisation dedicated to the elusive creature, claimed it had photographic evidence of three thylacines living happily in north-east Tasmania. It then took off but didn't bounce like a kangaroo. The map above shows the latest 100 UFO sightings all over the world. It ran almost 1ft off the ground on all fours. It had distinctive stripes across its back & rump, which sloped down to a long kangaroo-like tail. This was apparently the meal of the animal I had just seen. Source:Paramanov, S. J. Early timber getters never entered this inaccessible area. The animal retreated into bush at the top of a gully.". Articles T, Analytical Method Development and Validation, bubble tea consumption statistics australia, City Of Hendersonville, Tn Property Taxes. Will this be the incredible news so Sunday Telegraph (Sydney), 27 March, p. 46. " With 78 contributors, including 58 with a PhD, it is set to be the new definitive volume on the species for many years to come, and includes the last two pieces the late Col Bailey ever wrote on the thylacine among many others. Nearby residents Allan & Maureen also observed the animal. There were no visible markings on the body, although he thought the rump was perhaps darker than the rest of the animal, which had a tan colouring.