|59.00 ||Ice Chandelier |100 | |sorcerers|Eldritch Hood |distance fighting +4 | |250 |100 ||Dragon Robe |10.20 |knights|Slayer of Destruction ||Hammer of Destruction |65.00 | |physical +5% | | |65.00 What is the city of residence of King Tibianus? |47.00 | |120.00 | Age calculator. | |15.00 |62.00 |35 | |sorcerers and druids|Golden Crown |114.00 |sorcerers and druids|Trousers of the Ancients | | | ||Black Jade Cobra |100 | | | | ||Zaoan Wall Lamps (Lit) |0 | | |fire +8% ||Torch (Small) |18.00 |95.50 | | | |180 | | | | |4.30 | |100 |52.00 | |35.00 | | | | | |0 |150 | | |sorcerers and druids|Soulshanks | |22 |41.00 |hard drinking ||Noble Armor |80 |300 |3 |220 | |physical +60%, energy +40% |7 |20.00 |50 |sorcerers|Wand of Draconia |22 ||Zathroth' Redeemer | |magic level +3 |5.00 |100 |physical +4%, earth +5%
How is character damage calculated? - TibiaQA |28.00 |130 | | | | |1.05 |magic level +2 | |120 |58.00 | |200 | ||Snake God's Wristguard |130 |15 |9 | |20 |3 | |41.00 |30 | | | ||Mathmaster Shield (Replica) |15 |2.80 | |physical +5% |90 |9.00 | | | | | | | | | | | |knights|Icy Clerical Mace
Tibia Calculator |earth +7% |55.00 |60 |ice +7% | |62.00 |knights|Soulhexer | |120 | How does armor of creatures affect damage taken by players? |club fighting +3, Cleave 3% |22.00 | | | |80 | | | |51.00 | |50 | |35 | |100 ||Garlic Necklace |physical +5% | ||Family Signet Ring ||Silkweaver Bow | |physical +3%, fire +8% |29.00 |100 |85 ||Model Ship Lamp ||Turquoise Flower Lamp (Lit) ||Assassin Dagger |0 |knights|Soultainter |65.00 | |270 | ||Bridal Wreath | | Tibia Damage Calculator Missing spells values: All values have to be looked at as tons of changes were made since the last version of the app. |31 |29.50 ||Jungle Quiver |10.00 |sorcerers and druids|Spellbook of Dark Mysteries |46.00 |knights and paladins|Crystalline Armor | ||Plague Bite | |55.00 |paladins|Chaos Mace | | | | |paladins|Soulcrusher | | | - Magic level training for mages (Druids & Sorcerers) |paladins and without|Rift Shield | | ||Sedge Hat | | | |150 | | |48.00 ||Executioner ||Plate Armor |magic level +2, fire magic level +1, perfect shot +65 at range 4 |0.00 | | | | | | |sorcerers|Soulstrider | | | |0 1 to 100, 100 to 101) |75 |0.50 | |51.00 | | | | | | | | | ||Laurel Wreath | |14 Tibia is copyrighted by CipSoft GmbH. |12.00 | |18 | | |knights|Falcon Mace |magic level +2 | | |perfect shot +20 at range 4 | | ||Ogre Scepta | |, | |sword fighting +4 | |physical +4% | Tools for video game 'Tibia', TibiaLootSplit, Imbue calculator, Stamina calculator, Boss Timers, Exercise Weapons calculator and more. | | | Achievements checker. ||Crown Legs |sword fighting +1, club fighting +1, axe fighting +1 |2 |4.50 | |15.00 |79.00 |knights and paladins|Golden Blessed Shield |1 |0.80 | |69.00 | | | | |paladins|Enchanted Theurgic Amulet |sorcerers and druids|Earthsoul Tabard | | | |17.00 |knights|Bow | | |100 ||Fur Cap | |magic level +1 | ||Shockwave Amulet |25 |ice +8%, energy -8% | |sorcerers|Soulshell |knights|Sapphire Hammer |0 |8 Join the TibiaQA team as a COMMUNITY MANAGER! |120 ||Plate Shield | ||Barrel and Anchor Lamp |150 |0 | | | |21 | |60.00 |400 | | | | |33 | |sorcerers and druids|Pair of Soft Boots ||Pirate Hat | |0 |24 Lucky you hehehe, I wish tibia-stars calculated crit damage also. | | | | |paladins|Crude Umbral Hammer | | | |fire +10% |180 |27.00 | | |earth +4% | | | | |7 | | |30 | | |35 | |45.00 | ||Yol's Bow | |4.20 | | | |9.00 | | ||Copper Shield |17 |120 ||Paladin Armor |50.00 |0 |knights and paladins|Draken Boots |18 |18 |13.00 ||Batwing Hat |physical +1% | |46.00 | | |0.10 |52.00 | | |55.00 | | |physical +7%, fire +5% | |34.00 |physical +10%, death +10% |ice +2% | | | | |37.00 ||Heavy Metal T-Shirt |21 ||Energy Mystic Blade |200 | |24.00 |37 |28.00 Level calculator. |14 |18 ||Mystic Turban |15.00 | | |knights|Havoc Blade |knights|Umbral Slayer | |8 | |12.50 | |8 | | | |5.00 |2 | |51.00 ||Sapphire Amulet | | |45 |4 | | | |22.00 |0 | ||Royal Axe |sorcerers and druids|Glacier Mask | | | |200 |13 | |180.00 | | Many Git commands accept both tag and branch names, so creating this branch may cause unexpected behavior. | |185 | Tibia Hunt Finder, Calculators and Events Calendar | Intibia. |4.00 |15.00 |13.00 | | | | ||Bunnyslippers |15 | |33 | ||Blue Quiver | | | | | |120.00 ||Jade Zaoan Knight | ||Ornate Shield | |50.00 |energy +8%, physical +4%, ice -2% |magic level +4 | | |magic level +1 | |32.00 | | |distance fighting +4 | | | | |85 |40.00 |magic level +2 |400 |95.00 | | | |3 ||Filled Receptacle |85.00 |3 |15 |30 ||Chain Bolter |35 | | |2 |knights|Ragnir Helmet ||Thunderheart Cuirass ||Grandiose Lamp (Lit) |knights|Witchhunter's Coat | |82.00 |15 | |sorcerer|Ferumbras' Staff (Failed) | |51.00 ||Tunic |220 |61.50 | | |99.00 | |44.00 |12.00 ||Club Ring | |fire +5%, earth +5%, energy +5%, ice +5%, holy +5%, death +5%, physical +5% | |knights|Hand Axe | |300 |knights|Soulcutter | | ||Snakebite Rod ||Viking Shield |0 |180.00 |27 | | | ||Composite Hornbow | | ||Werewolf Amulet ||Thaian Sword |32.00 | |300 |13 |400 |5.00 | | | | |21 |energy +5%, earth -5% | |21 ||Santa Hat |45 |6.00 | |22.50 |80 | | | | |0 | | | | | | |4.20 | | |25 | | |55.00 | |without|Stealth Ring | The tool assumes: - Magic level training for mages (Druids & Sorcerers) - Melee (Axe/Club/Sword) training for . |20 This is the same color displayed when mana is used to protect hitpoints by using. |40 |knights|Umbral Master Mace | TibiaPal.com uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience possible. | |1.00 | | | | | |knights|The Calamity |9 |paladins and without|Rainbow Shield |knights|Thunderheart Hauberk |fire +4%, earth +4%, energy +4%, ice +4% |physical +3%, earth +5% | | Winter Update 2021 brings three new effects that can be added to weapons, armor and helmets using the Exaltation Forge. |35 | |magic level +4 | | | |4.00 ||Daramian Axe | | |club fighting +3 | |58.00 |earth +5% | | |46.00 | |0 | | ||Strange Helmet |10.00 | ||Golden Sickle | |fire +5% |100 | | |16 ||Skull Helmet |80.00 | | | | |14 |druids|Mutant Bone Kilt |knights|Soulbleeder ||Phoenix Statue (Replica) | |20.00 | ||Energy Cranial Basher Join our Discord channel to stay up-to-date! | |knights|Lion Hammer ||Lion Axe |84.50 |16 |41.00 | ||Throwing Star | |20 |energy +6% | |400 ||Icy Mystic Blade | | | |15 | Calculate the price of Tibia Coins by amounts, updated prices for Mexico. |70.00 | | |65.00 | | ||Pumpkinhead (Lit) | |200 | |magic level +1 | UPDATE 2: There is still an issue with the EK spell calcs, I am reviewing the code atm. | | | | | |0 |11 | | ||Ravager's Axe | |2 ||Gloomy Poisonous Fungi (Unlit) ||Greenwood Coat |druids|Soulmaimer |30 | |55 |11 | |physical +5% |druids|Obsidian Lance ||Broken Iks Cuirass | |9 |1 | Calculate the price of Tibia Coins by amounts, updated prices for Mexico. |72.00 |0 |2.50 bombs? |7 | | ||Dragon Necklace | |60 |magic level +1 | ||Rainbow Amulet |130 | Guilds in Tibia: 2734 People in guilds: 210787 Random guild: Deserters The most guilds: Antica (122) The least guilds: Zunera (1) Avg . | |distance fighting +2 | | |sorcerers|Eldritch Quiver | | | | | |100 |
Calculators - TibiaPedia | | | |knights and paladins|Goo Shell | | | | | |0.10 ||Eye of the Storm ||Ring of Wishes |20 ||Jungle Bow ||Crystalline Sword |knights|Journal Shield | | |33 |0 | | | |0 | |28 |100 | ||Lit Crystal Lamp | |10 |45.00 | | | |0 ||Seashell Lamp (Lit) | Not real values, but the methodology is correct -Skill 110: minimum damge 40 - maximum damage 100 - average damage 70 -Skill 111: minimum damage 40 - maximum damage 102 - average damage 71 - One skill increases 2 attack value, but only 1 average, as it only increases maximum damage. | |120.00 |fire +5% | ||Torch ||Jacket | | |270 |9 |85 ||Scarab Amulet | | | |19 | ||Sweetheart Ring ||Broken Amulet | ||Plate Legs | |11 |magic level +1 |250 | |69.00 | | ||Dagger | | | |35.00 |30 |29 | |85.00 |5.60 | | If the account has at least 360 loyalty points (5% bonus), then the skills shown on highscores may not be the same as seen in game. | |physical +80%, death +80% |distance fighting +4 | | ||Ancient Shield |30 | |20 Expand the different rows to see the different magic levels, and expand the columns to see the min,max,avg, difference for each spell EDIT:: It's been brought to my attention that this doesn't match tibiastats at higher levels. |3.14 | ||Queen's Sceptre ||Mean Knight Sword | | |91.00 |knights|Studded Legs |5.00 |59.00 |400 | | ||Winged Boots | |energy +8%, earth -8% | | | |20 |3 ||Suspicious Signet Ring |magic level +5 | |26 | |0 |sword fighting +3, Cleave 3% |180 | | |0.40 |29.00 |120 ||Mathmaster Shield |31 The official | | |speed +5 | |250 |3 | |48.00 | ||Sickle | | | ||Broken Wedding Ring |120.00 | ||Steel Helmet I have just updated my site and added a new section for the character damage calculator. |75.00 | |paladins|Royal Spear | |60 | | | | You will find here a knowledge base, calculators and various statistics. |2 ||Crystal Ring | | |7 |18.40 |400 |26.00 | |87.00 | | Guilds in Tibia: 2735 People in guilds: 210981 Random guild: Exemplary Citizens The most guilds: Antica (122) The least guilds: Zuna (1) Avg . |40 | |37.00 |120 | |51.00 | |sword fighting +1, club fighting +1, axe fighting +1, speed +15 | |18 | ||Helmet of the Ancients (Enchanted) | | | |physical +7%, fire +15% ||Spellweaver's Robe | |55.00 ||Iron Hammer |61.00 |31 | |ice +12%, energy -12% ||Broken Iks Sandals | | |physical +6% | |8
damage Calculator? - Classic Tibia | |sorcerers and druids|Spellbook of Vigilance | |78.00 |sword fighting +1 | |13 |68.00 | |75.00 ||Odd Hat |38.00 |21 No Team? |18 |7.00 | |8 |faster regeneration | |21.00 |38 ||True Heart of the Sea | |35 | ||Sun Catcher |knights|Naga Wand ||Beetle Necklace |magic level +2, fire magic level +1, energy magic level +1, mana leech 1% | |35.00 | |61.00 Privacy Policy. | | |5.00 | |0 | | |100.00 |2 | | I might revamp it at some point and make it better. |40.00 |0 |paladins|Soulshroud |5.00 | | | |7 | | | | |40.00 | | |16 | |270 |magic level +1 | | Mana that is used in this way doesn't count towards your magic level. ||Friendship Amulet
TibiaPal.com - Training Calculator | |druids|Snowball |15 |8 | | |89.00 | | | |0 |10 | The only rune that does not cause magical damage is the Explosion rune, several instant spells are available for knights but the only non-knight spell that doesn't cause magical damage is Physical Strike. | | | | | | |0 | | | | | |knights|Arboreal Crown Hmm i have seen a damage calculator before on this forum however i can find it again.. And i want to know my average damage on arrows,bolts,p bolts.. . |distance fighting +4 |5.00 | | |22 |39 | ||Brass Button | | |1.50 | | ||Tatty Dragon Scale Legs | | ||Jade Zaoan Rook | | | ||Lit Rainbow Torch |120 | |0 | ||Tentacle Lamp (Lit) | | |knights|Guardian Axe |knights|Taurus Mace |
What improves melee the most? - TibiaQA ||Golden Scorpion Pendant |6.00 The official | |9.50 |knights|Painted Gourd Rattle | |magic level +3 |70.00 |paladins|Silver Dagger It will enable you to talk to each of them to learn all sorts of interesting tidbits about the Tibian world and to get to know them on a more personal level. |0 |0 | | | |sorcerers and druids|Spellbook of Mind Control | |37.00 | |37 |5.00 ||Warrior's Shield |80.00 |12 | | | |82.00 | |11 ||Crossbow of Destruction |250 | |200 | ||Horned Helmet |death +2% ||Post Officer's Hat |68.00 | | |25.50 | ||Boots of Haste |250 | |85.00 | | | | | | |sorcerers and druids|Mage's Cap | |230 ||Silver Necklace | | | | |distance fighting +3 |fire +10%, ice -10% | |58.00 | | | |0 | |75 | | |95.00 | ||Northwind Rod | | | |sorcerers and druids|Thundersoul Tabard |24 | | ||Dark Whispers |75 |5.00 | |physical +2%, holy -2% | |29.00 | | |8 | | | |31.00 | | |6.00 | | | |speed +10 |80.00 |death +6%, holy -3% ||Bonelord Helmet | |energy +8%, earth -8% | ||Spiked Squelcher |25 | | | |5.70 | |1 | | |50.00 ||Fish Tail (Equipped) | | |6 | | |3 This tool calculates the time it will take you to reach your target skill while offline or online training. |0 |2.00 Party Shared Calculator, enter your LVL and discover. | ||Obsidian Zaoan Queen |7 ||Ice Hatchet | | ||Glacier Amulet | | | |33 |knights|Fur Boots | | |6.00 | | | | | |paladins|Collar of Green Plasma ||The Ironworker | | |club fighting +4 | | ||Noble Sword (Replica) |30 | | |80 |220 | | |paladins|Umbral Hammer | |distance fighting +2, sword fighting +2, axe fighting +2, club fighting +2 |fire magic level +1, ice magic level +1, earth magic level +1, energy magic level +1 | |85 |29 |14.50 | |1.00 | | |1 |3.60 Damage types are represented by different colors on the game window so you might identify them. | |ice +5% ||Icy Barbarian Axe | |knights|Broken Iks Spear | |59.00 |400 | |10.00 Hits calculator. |physical +7% , ice +15% |knights|Ornate Testtplate |0 |220 | | |5 |paladins|Crystal Mace |7 |149.00 ||Purple Flower Lamp (Lit) | |magic level +1 |16 | | ||Wooden Spellbook |13 |71.00 | | | |50 | |220 | | | |27.60 | |48.00 |paladins|Red Robe | | |5 |37 | |35 |18 |paladins|Frozen Plate |85.00 |36.00 |23 |
TibiaPal.com - Exp Calculator |17 ||Amulet of Loss | | ||Scimitar | | |ice +5% |80.00 | This is official post from the balance: https://www.tibia.com/news/?subtopic=newsarchive&id=5836. ||Leviathan's Amulet | | |32.00 |0 | |220 | | | | | | ||Crystal Boots |knights|Terra Hood Question Revival IV contestMarch 12, 2023, Join the TibiaQA team as an EXPERT!January 06, 2023, Join the TibiaQA team as a COMMUNITY MANAGER!June 09, 2019. |sorcerers and druids|Magma Legs | | |magic level +1 Best answer I took these fromulas from tibiawikia Melee: Min= lvl/5 Max=0.085datkskill+lvl/5 atk = Weapon's attack d = Damage Factor: Full Attack: 1 Balanced: 0.75 Full Defence: 0.5 Whirlwind Throw: min: (skill+atk)/3+lvl/5 max: skill+atk+lvl5 avg: (max+min)/2=2/3 (skill+atk)+lvl/5 Groundshaker: min: 0.5 (skill+atk)+lvl/5 ||Mycological Bow | |4.20 |8.70 | |0 | |18 |31 |club fighting +1 | ||Nightmare Shield |18 ||Rubbish Amulet | |paladins|Yetislippers |paladins|Eldritch Cuirass | |8 | |25.00 | |35.00 |8 |28.00 | |60 | |energy +20%, earth -10% | |250 | |sorcerers and druids|Golden Legs | ||Ogre Klubba | |37 | |22 |250 |0 |18 | |death +3% | | |10 | | |fire +6%, ice -6% | | | | |sorcerers|Metal Spats | | |4.80 |3 ||Crystal Lamp |8.50 ||Anglerfish Lamp (Unlit) |0.40 |death +9% | | |40 | | | | | | | Example You get a hit with original value of 200 wearing only Zaoan Helmet and Protection Amulet | |32 | | Contact an administrator if you want to suggest changes to the page. | |11.00 | | |61.50 | |25 Starting level: Target level: (Optional) Exp per hour (in kk/h): (Optional) Hours hunting per day: TibiaPal.com uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience possible. Also note the distance hit % used is the max you can get with a high distance skill, I will adjust it to properly calculate the miss chance for low distance skills according to TibiaWiki formula. |20 ||Energy Relic Sword | |150 |19.00 |150 | |2.50 |1 |sword fighting +1 | ||Light of Change | | | | |60 | |knights|Blacksteel Sword | |axe fighting +2 |paladins|Lion Longsword |magic level +1 | |1.60 | | | | | | ||Bronze Medal |38
Calculators | TibiaWiki | Fandom |magic level +2 | |250 | |2.50 |35.00 |2 | ||Obsidian Zaoan Pawn |9 | | | |paladins|Golden Armor | |1 | |sorcerers and druids|Silver Chimes | | | This tool can be used to check the character's real skills without the loyalty bonus, which should be the same used on the official highscores. | |10 | | |5.50 | | |knights|Eldritch Bow |250 |paladins|Soulshredder |200 |80 | ||Bright Sword | | |96.00 ||Blister Ring | | | |120.00 |150 | |30 |mana drain +10% |19 | ||Knight Armor |magic level +2 | |39.00 ||Magma Amulet |sorcerers and druids|Helmet of Nature |axe fighting +3, Cleave 3% | |100 |sorcerers and druids|Magma Coat | T.H.A.I.S. |druids|Arcanomancer Folio |holy magic level +1 | | | |21 |56.00 |30.00 | | |5.20 |14 | | |43.00 ||Wooden Shield |45 | | |4.10 |220 |death +3% |magic level +2, fire magic level +1, perfect shot +65 at range 4 |distance fighting +2 | |36 Stamina calculator. |9 |mana drain +15% | |magic level +2 | |60.00 | | |12 |145.00 | | ||Energy Crystal Mace | | ||Frozen Claw |8.00 Desired skill. |5.60 | |22 | These calculators require Javascript, |20 |paladins|Eldritch Shield | | |100 |13.00 | ||Brass Helmet |82.00 | | |165.00 |80.00 | | | |39 ||Time Ring |29.00 | ||Dwarven Shield ||Dwarven Ring |15.00 |energy +12%, earth -12% | |physical +5% |3.90 | |sorcerers and druids|Brain in a Jar | |magic level +1 | |100
TibiaPal.com - Leech calculator |2.00 |28 |magic level +2 | | | | |24.50 ||Rift Lamp | | | |8 |270 |paladins|Twiceslicer | |32 | |druids|Arcanomancer Regalia | |18 |8 |magic level +4 |shielding +1 | | | |physical +5%, earth +5% | |3 |35.00 | | | | |10 | | |70 |10 |61.50 | |18.00 | |58.00 |knights and paladins|Depth Calcei |30 ||Shimmer Glower | |55 | | |21 |24 | | |37.00 |23.50 |250 |21.00 | | |0 | |knights|Umbral Master Crossbow |9.50 |physical +3%, earth +7% | | | | | ||Mining Helmet |axe fighting +3 | | | | |
| | | | | | | |2 |80 |30.00 | | ||Icy Rainbow Shield |1 | ||Small Lamp |14 |14.00 |21 |12 |axe fighting +4 |99.00 |sorcerers and druids|Traditional Leather Shoes | | | |40 |22.00 |0 |400 | | UPDATE: EK spell damage has been updated. | |0 ||Crown Armor |18 |34 | |7.00 |68.00 | ||Crown |52.00 |8 |knights|Frostheart Platemail | ||Prismatic Necklace |sorcerers and druids|Collar of Red Plasma |1 | |speed +10 | |8.00 |fire +4%, earth +4%, energy +4%, ice +4%, holy +4%, death +4% |25 |12 Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. ||Bronze Amulet | | |knights|Crude Umbral Mace | | | | Check if you get cheaper to imbue Void with items or buy Gold Tokens. |52.00 Note that while Magic Shield or Energy Ring are active, all damage taken by manapoints will show the same color. | |knights|Triple Bolt Crossbow Use Calculator Gold Changer Ideal for calculating how many CT would cost you to buy GOLD in lukewarm Use Calculator Profit and Waste Calculator to distribute profit in a team hunt. |29 |knights|Fireheart Cuirass | |60 | |31.00 | |145.00 |100 |3.50 |1 |5.00 |8.50 | | | |2.00 |druids|Naga Sword |46.00 | | |ice +5%, energy -5% | |knights|Metal Bat |sorcerers and druids|Umbral Spellbook |12 |8.30 | | | | |200 | | | |26 | ||Scarab Shield | | | | |0.90 |sorcerers and druids|Blue Spectacles | |3 |75 ||Glooth Amulet | | |49.00 | | | | | ||Golden Bell | | | | |85 | | |23.00 |30 | | | |2 |22 |70 ||Earth Relic Sword |earth +8%, fire -8% | | ||Exotic Amulet |36.00 | | |67.00 |50 | |15 | |sorcerers|Traditional Shirt |3.50 | |200 |25 | | |, | | |35.00 | | |6 ||Meat Shield |5.00 |35.00 |30 | | | | | |59.00 |100 | |220 |0 |club fighting +4 | | |0.90 | ||Shrunken Head Necklace | |31 | | ||Dream Blossom Staff | | |60 | |5.00 | | | |0 Created by Kusnier. ||Zaoan Sword | |67.00 | https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1SAyW61IF0Oum4FANFfJ0_fQ4RhjbTe1izji8imEOjZc/edit?usp=sharing, Type your level in the top, then see how the damage of every spell changes for each magic level. |sword fighting +3, club fighting +3, axe fighting +3 |300 |7 |magic level +2 | | | |sword fighting +3 | | | | |88.00 | | |earth +4% |2 ||Lightning Boots |150 | | |knights|Warlord Sword | | |64.50 |5 ||Bear Skin | | | |60 ||The Eye of Suon |knights and paladins|Leather Armor |death +3% | ||Naga Axe |72.00 |12.00 |knights|Shield of Destiny |7.50 ||Crossbow |ice +8% | | | |9 |0 | | |69.00 | ||Lit Torch (Quest) | | The primary drawback to magic damage is that many creatures are immune to different types of magic damage, and therefore are not affected by it. | |50.00 |life drain +20% ||Prismatic Boots |24.00 |27.00 | | | | | |sorcerers and druids|Cobra Hood | | |35.00 |15 ||Axe of Destruction | |9.00 | | | | | ||Griffin Shield |69.00 |physical +3%, earth +8% |48.00 | | | |1 |7.70 |180 | |0 |8.50 |60 |knights|Swampling Club | |paladins|The Epiphany | |19 | |30.00 | |energy +6%, earth -6% |25.00 |45 | |25 |180.00 | |40.00 | |magic level +3 |knights and paladins|Feather Headdress | | |70 |76.00 |45 |sorcerers and druids|Knight Legs | |160.00 ||Frostflower Boots | ||Horn (Ring) | |1.20 | |24 | ||Foxtail Amulet |33.00 | |magic level +2 |earth +4%, fire -5% | |0 |paladins|Longsword |4.90 | | |28 |13.00 | | |45 | |75 |0 | |9 | |80.00 | |55 |37.00 |knights|Eldritch Tome |49.00 | |0.60 | |knights|The Chiller | | | | |38.00 | | | |10 |80 | | | |23 | |druids|Falcon Wand | |23.00 |7.50 | | |physical +4%, fire +2% | |30 |12 | |20.00 | |65 | | |0 |125.00 |6.00 ||Royal Crossbow |knights and paladins|White Dress |47.00 |120 |50 | | ||Lederhosen | |2 |34.00 Tibiastats spell damage was last updated in 2009, wiki formulas were last updated in 2012. |club fighting +2 | |34.00 |0.20 |7.00 | |11.00 | ||Lightning Pendant | |29.00 | | |50 | | | |7.00 |35.00 |0 | By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. |12.00 | |8 | | |41.00 |51.00 | ||Swamplair Armor and our | | |25 | | | |axe fighting +5 | | | | | | |16 |7 |7 | | | |95.00 | |shielding +3 |38.00 | | ||Earth Spike Sword |sword fighting +3 | | |60.00 |52.00 |10 |18 |0 | | |knights|Two Handed Sword |75 ||Trapped Lightning | | |0 |45 |25 |physical +8% | | |29 |magic level +4 |physical +5% |5.00 | |17.00 |ice +8%, energy -8% ||Moonlight Rod ||Dragon Slayer | | |physical +5%, fire +6%, ice -10% | |1 |earth +5%, fire +5%, ice +5%, energy +5% |sword fighting +1 |30 |8 | | ||Lightning Robe | | |sorcerers|Wand of Destruction |82.00 |5 | | ||Burnt Out Devourer Core |75 |21 |66.00 |axe fighting +3, club fighting +3 |7.00 |energy +8%, earth -8% | |physical +10%, energy +8% ||Prismatic Helmet |physical +2% |150 | Summary. | | |120 |38 | | |270 ||Giant Sword | |knights|Energy Clerical Mace | | |axe fighting +2 | |40 | | |25 |16 | ||Studded Shield | ||Energy War Axe Damage Calculator (Experimental) Step 1: Select your vocation: Knight Paladin. | |knights|Elethriel's Elemental Bow |30 | | | | | |50 | | | | | |paladins|Enchanted Werewolf Helmet (Axe) ||Umbral Master Chopper | | ||Helmet of the Deep | ||Rotten Demonbone |magic level +4 |80 | |shielding +3 |58.00 | |3 | |30.00 | |42.00 |45.00 |0.30 | | |17 |earth +8%, fire -8% | |knights|Glooth Blade |99.00 | |sorcerers and druids|The Crown of the Percht Queen (Fire) | |26 | |distance fighting +4 | ||Blue Legs |paladins|Soulful Legs ||Jagged Sword | |2 | | | | | | | |400 ||Lit Small Lamp |paladins|Rift Lance |sword fighting +2, club fighting +2, axe fighting +2 Stamina calculator. |78.00 |1.20 | | | | | Magical Damage cannot be blocked, and the damage it inflicts is not reduced by the target's armor. | |20 |26.00 |115.00 | ||Energized Limb |21 |6 ||Depth Scutum | | |12 |18 ||Charmer's Tiara |physical +10%, fire +10%, earth +10%, energy +10%, ice +10%, holy +10%, death +10% |3.90 | | |30 | |druids|Heat Core | | |9 |8 | ||Zaoan Shoes |12 |27 ||Orcish Axe |75 |11 |250 | |28.50 |12 | | ||Shadow Sceptre ||Broken Iks Headpiece | | |89.00 | |24.50 | | |knights|The Avenger ||Butterfly Ring |84.50 |21 | |3 | Type your level in the top, then see how the damage of every spell changes for each magic level. |35 |paladins|Necromancer Shield | |sorcerers|Charged Spiritthorn Ring | |180 | | | | | | Current skill % to next. | |24 | | | |ice +7%, energy -7% |6.30 | |17 | |
Tibia Calcs - Calculators for Tibia MMORPG |17 | | | |sword fighting +1, axe fighting +1, club fighting +1 |0 ||Broken Ring of Ending | | |11 | |180 | |0 | |7 | | | |150 | | | ||Ratana | |11 | |130.00 | |death +4% There is a spell, called Magic Shield, that makes damage taken by monsters (or possibly players if you play on a PvP -server) not reduce your Hit Points, but your Mana. | | |21 ||Fiery Cranial Basher ||Fiery Mystic Blade ||Incredible Mumpiz Slayer