There was a $300 reward on Archies head, but no-one had the nerve to try and collect. John Langford rests in peace near his Missouri farm and friends in a beautiful country cemetery south of Albany. ): A Thrilling Record, Founded on Facts and Observations Obtained During Ten Days Experience with Colonel William T. Anderson (the Notorious Guerrilla Chieftain), Des Moines, Iowa, 1868, Goodrich, Thomas: Black Flag: Guerrilla Warfare on the Western Border, 1861-1865, Indiana University Press, Bloomington Ill., 1995, Leslie, Edward E.: The Devil Knows How to Ride: The True Story of William Quantrill and His Confederate Raiders, New York, 1998, McLachlan, Sean: American Civil War Guerrilla Tactics, Oxford, 2009, Oates, Stephen B.: Confederate Cavalry West of the River, Austin (3rd ed. It was Mayes who taught Quantrill guerrilla warfare tactics, the ambush fighting tactics used by the Native Americans, as well as camouflage and the tactic of the sneak attack. Castel Albert: Quantrills Bushwackers: A Case Study in Guerrilla Warfare, Winning and Losing in the Civil War: Essays and Stories (Columbia, University of South Carolina Press, 1996), pp. Bloody Bills brother Jim disappeared around 1867-68. As one of the few regular officers to bother studying guerrilla tactics, Cox was the man for the job and was given men experienced in fighting bushwackers. Bills grey mare was found adorned with Union scalps. After being repelled, Quantrill surprised and destroyed a Union relief column under General James G. Blunt, who escaped, but almost 100 Union soldiers were killed. Clements opened fire on them and the rest of the bushwackers joined in. Other members of the bandincluding Frank James and Cole Youngers brother, Jimdispersed. Duffy claimed to recognize the man, living under the name of John Sharp, as Quantrill. With the declaration of war in 1861, the North and South separated into usually well-defined areas of battle geography that marked the American Civil War. It was considered good sport to switch the decapitated heads to different bodies or impale them on fence posts. HE RODE WITH, Would not have made it through AP Literature without the printable PDFs. After what became known as the First Battle of Independence, the Confederate government decided to secure the loyalty of Quantrill by issuing him a "formal army commission" to the rank of captain. For the mostly teenage gunmen of Missouri, the war was more a matter of personal rebellion than political rebellion. Teachers and parents! Published: (1923) On Christmas Eve, 1895, a shooting occurred in a North St. Louis saloon that was destined to find a prominentand permanentplace in American oral tradition. By the summer of 1863, it was obvious the war in the West was lost. [12], On March 11, 1862, Quantrill joined Confederate forces under Colonel John T. Hughes and took part in attack on Independence, Missouri. On the evening of September 6, 1862, William Quantrill led his Confederate guerrillas, numbering from 125 to 150, in a raid against Olathe, Kansa s. The raid resulted in a half dozen deaths and the destruction of most of the town. Much of the dramatic build-up to the Civil War centered on the violence that erupted on the KansasMissouri border between pro- and anti-slavery militias. Shortly afterwards, Quantrill accompanied a large group of hometown friends in their quest to start a settlement on Tuscarora Lake. Bloody Bills reign of terror came to an end on October 27, 1864, at Albany Missouri. Shortly before his death, Bloody Bill announced, I have killed Union soldiers until I have got sick of killing them. Most of the Missouri population was sick of Bloody Bill as well; as a local newspaper proclaimed, An avenging God has permitted bullets fired from Federal muskets to pierce his head, and the inhuman butcher of Centralia sleeps his last sleep. (St. Joseph Morning Herald). Listen carefully to instructions and never expect to be told anything a second time. All rights reserved, The Real Story Behind That Bad Man Stagger Lee, Joseph Orr Creates Landscapes of Serenity. Crocker until his death in 1917. His other two sisters suffered crippling injuries and disfigurement. Though he was described by various sources as being crude, illiterate, hot-tempered, callously brutal, a deadly shot, and uncontrollable when drunk, his personal bravery and thirst for action were unquestionable. Instant downloads of all 1725 LitChart PDFs 500 matching entries found. Preservation In January 1864, Union authorities recognized that the actions of the Jayhawkers were ineffective in countering the guerrillas but exceptional in turning the people against the Union by their murder, looting, and arson. Biographies Explorers He received medical attention in towns along the way when available. Only later, in the 1850s, did settlers from northern states such as Ohio migrate to the fertile, well-watered forests and prairies, armed with their convictions. Complete all tasks in a timely manner, meaning as soon as possible. Quantrill was questioned as he lay motionless in the field, but still with a lot of contempt in him he gave his name as Captain William Clarke of the 4th Missouri Confederate Calvary and asked permission to be allowed to die where he lay. He lived for another two years in great pain from his wound before dying on December 13, 1868. While in Texas, Quantrill and his 400 men quarreled. During the caravan, Quantrill was heavily guarded but treated with respect. The guerrilla leader was carried to Wakefields farmhouse, paralyzed below the arms from gunshot damage to the spine. Terrell himself held the poorest of reputations. The shirt indicated the relationship the wearer had with its creator, mother, wife, sister, or girlfriend and was a symbol of the important role women played in sustaining the guerrillas and nursing their wounds. The brave marshals do their best but they are few in number. ), 1995, Sutherland, Daniel E.: A Savage Conflict: The Decisive Role of Guerrillas in the American Civil War, Chapel Hill N.C., 2009, Thomas D. Thiessen, Douglas D. Scott and Steven J. Dasovich: This Work of Fiends: Historical and Archaeological Perspectives on the Confederate Guerrilla Actions at Centralia, Missouri, September 27, 1864, Lincoln Nebraska, March 2008,, Wood, Larry: The Civil War Story of Bloody Bill Anderson, Fort Worth, Texas, 2003, Younger, Thomas Coleman: The Story of Cole Younger by Himself, Provo Utah, 1903, CREDIT: Andrew McGregor, Age of Discovery Quantrill was born in Ohio on July 31, 1837. One of the main units engaged against Anderson, the 17th Illinois Cavalry, was described by their commanding general as unreliable and almost worthless, so the idea that these second-rate troops might have made a difference elsewhere is very much open to question. Halleck issued an order in March 1862 that declared the Confederate guerrillas to be outlaws subject to summary execution. Quantrill's mother, Caroline Quantrill described her son this way. In his teens, Quantrill had short-term stints of employment as a teacher in Ohio, Illinois, and later, in Kansas. [20], In Texas, on May 18, 1864, Quantrill's sympathizers lynched Collin County Sheriff Captain James L. Read for shooting the Calhoun Brothers from Quantrill's force who had killed a farmer in Millwood, Texas.[21]. Kentucky was a bushwackers paradise. The garrison commander did not appreciate their humor but added their names to the roles as required and ordered them out of town. Perhaps as bad as the man he was hunting down.. Be the first to contribute! He orchestrated a raid into Missouri to liberate some slaves. His body suffered numerous indignities, his bones were stolen, some put on exhibit, and his skull served duty for decades as a prop in a college fraternitys initiation rites. Historians view him as an opportunistic, bloodthirsty outlaw; James M. McPherson, one of the most prominent experts on the American Civil War, calls him and Anderson "pathological killers" who "murdered and burned out Missouri Unionists". These men went on to epitomize the lawlessness of the Wild West and their post-war violence has been both glorified and villainized in popular culture ever since. From this point on, the guerrillas fought in their own interest, not the Confederacies. The rifled muskets carried by the Union cavalry were unwieldy on horseback, so Johnston ordered his men to dismount and form a line, with a quarter of his force held back to hold the horses. Angered by incidents of scalping by Kansas Jayhawkers, the guerrillas took it up themselves in the summer of 1864. Anderson was beside himself with anger and now became dedicated to a single purpose; the killing of as many Union soldiers as possible. The mild-mannered Langford did not consider the much-discussed event worthy of further dialogue and was said to be somewhat careful around regions where Quantrill loyalists still lived. The Ledger in yet another article on Friday, November 1, 1907, reported, Monday, Mr. Langford brought this office a batch of letters from W.W. Scott, of Canal Dover, Ohio, where Quantrells [sic] mother resided until her death and where the guerrilla was born and raised. Bloody Bill, the guerrillas, and the bloodshed along the Missouri Kansas border all became fodder for novels and films in the 20th century. While some guerrillas attempted to start new lives, others had developed a taste for theft and butchery that could not be sated in peace-time. With the war over, Clements began hanging out in Lexington saloons with Dave Poole, who was now robbing banks. When not wearing Union blue, the well-dressed guerrilla sported a slouch hat with a jaunty feather or squirrel tail, knee-high riding boots, and the ubiquitous guerrilla shirt. Like the guerrillas long hair, the durable pullover shirt with its large pockets was borrowing from the Great Plains hunters, who in turn had borrowed much of their style from the native Indians. Soon Bill was mounting small raids into Missouri, though his devotion to the Confederate cause was questionable he told a friend he was trying to recruit that he didnt care anything about the South, but there was good money in bushwacking. He eventually died leading a charge while attached to General Prices forces in 1864. The reason for the bloody raid that left nearly two hundred men dead and caused between $1 million and $1.5 million in damage (in 1863 dollars) is still the subject of speculation. Eventually, his remains were collected though they still occupy two separate graves, one in Ohio and one in Missouri. After I shot him,I went to help the others get Glasscock and Hockensmith. Dick Glasscock and Clark Hockensmith were the two bushwhackers who had turned to help Quantrill and were killed by the scouts. Lane became known as the Grim Chieftain.. Kansas Raiders 1950. As a result, Todd became a captain and Anderson a lieutenant, but these ranks existed only within the unit and do not appear to have ever been commissioned officially by the CSA.