Charlotte tells Henry to be on the lookout for anyone who might know his secret. Henry and Charlotte were eating fofu togetherwhile the others were, When Charlotte says it (fofu) does not taste like good meat, Henry stares at, Henry hunches forward to talk to Charlotte (caught in the background of a scene). Schowz winks at her, proof thathe doesnt believe her. Charlotte was laughing at Henry and his costume of a Red Skynaut. "But I guess, recently I've felt different. Henry, Charlotte (and Jasper) play truth or 'flare' together. When Ray and Henry were talking about how boys don't like getting pinched in the butt, Charlotte chimed in and said girls don't like that either. Henry glanced at Charlotte a lot when she wasn't really paying attention. He is very possessive of his job as Kid Danger. Henry (and Jasper) help Charlotte out of the trash bin. Henry and Charlotte work at Junk-N-Stuff together and close the shop together. Courtney loosens some bolts on Charlotte's ceiling fan. When Henry asked, "Does it involve bouncing? In her book Miles To Go, Miley Cyrus referred to Nick Jonas as "prince charming.". When Henry put the ring on Charlotte's finger Ray, Jasper and Schwoz all teased them, like Henry was asking her to marry him. If you look closely when Charlotte walks by Henry and Rays interrogation for the second time because they forgot the meatloaf, Henry grabs her hand/arm but no one elses. When Ray jumped out of the car, Henry and Charlotte were trying to steer the car. Charlotte struggles to tell Henry that he can't graduate. Henry tries twice to encourage Charlotte to come with them up the stairs. Is charlotte and henry dating in real life Is charlotte and henry dating in real life World. Charlotte was starting to worry about Ray and Henry and asks Schwoz if he had heard from them, Henry asks why Charlotte is so smart all the time, Henry and Charlotte both tell Ray and Schwoz that Avocado Day is St. Patricks Day, Henry says Aw, tough break Char when Ray says hes going to take the cost of the ad off of her paycheck, Charlotte blow-dries the glitter from Henry (and Rays) hair, Henry asks Ray what Charlottes deal is when she walks off annoyed and then he asks whos going to get the glitter out of their hair, Charlotte tries to play along with Henrys lie, Henry calls Charlotte a really bad liar but not in a mean way, Charlotte and Henry both bend down in front of Ray when he falls over and they are very close to each other, Henry and Charlotte bicker about who lost Ray and they sound like a married couple, Charlotte suggests they blame Jasper for losing Ray so that her and Henry dont have to bicker anymore, Henry is very enthusiastic about Charlottes idea to blame Jasper, Charlotte gets mad and starts to argue with Schwoz when she finds out that Henry could have died being shrunk down, Henry asks if everything is okay when Charlotte argues with Schwoz, Charlotte doesnt want to freak Henry out so she tries to lie by saying no one is surprised you didnt die, Charlotte reassures Henry that he should have plenty of time to get out, Charlotte scolds Schwoz when he stresses Henry out by saying that as long as nothing goes wrong theyll be fine, Charlotte tackles Ray and tells him to stop moving because hes going to kill Henry and Piper, Charlotte and Henry are sitting close beside each other on the couch, Henry wants to listen to the Piper from the future but Ray doesnt believe her so Charlotte helps Henry convince Ray, It is repeated multiple times that Henry only has two friends, one of which being Charlotte. If the content contained herein violates any of your rights, including those of copyright, and/or violates any the above mentioned factors, you are requested to immediately notify us using via the following email address operanews-external(at) and/or report the article using the available reporting functionality built into our Platform Henry was standing right in front of Charlotte when he addressed everyone as his little cuties (because he was trying to rhyme). Henry expects Charlotte to know where the 'restaurant,'The Basement' was. He is portrayed by Sean Ryan Fox. Charlotte Knows Henry More than Anyone ElseWhen your best friend is also your partner in life and someone with whom you can share your deepest secrets with and just laugh about the silliest and corniest jokes, then you just hit the jackpot. Henry teases Charlotte when her attempt at covering up the trap doesnt work. As of 2023, Martinez is in a relationship with her boyfriend, Justin Greenwood, who is also known as Verde. He and Ray helped her walk over to the couch. When Ray suggested they pretend to be boyfriend and girlfriend, they both exclaimed, Ew!, After hearing each other say ew at the thought of dating the other, they both said, Hey!. Nickelodeon: See Henry Danger Casts, Real Age, And Their Lovers She loves pumpkin pie, maple syrup, and moose. The following is a list of episodes of the Nickelodeon original series, Henry Danger. Henry replied, Sure, baby!. However, Courtney takes this the wrong way and believes that Jasper loved Charlotte romantically. When Charlotte tells Henry that the Language, Information, and Mathematics Program do call themselves L.I.M.P, they hug again. Henry thinks of a way to get Charlotte and is happy when she is free. To be fair, Nick Jonas' relationship with Miley Cyrus came first. When Piper says lets go!" with Ray when Henry said Veronika kissed him. Henry asked Charlotte why she always has to say no. Bianca asked Charlotte if Henry came with her to. Henry is excited that Charlotte (and Jasper) get to go on the mission with him and Ray, Henry happily announces that Charlotte is here and then asks her what she has, Henry and Charlotte bicker about the taste of the gum, Henry stares at Charlotte when she finds a way to make her outfit fit in at the party, Henry gets a little upset that Charlotte (and Jasper) dont appear to be paying any attention to him because she is too focused on the presents at the party, Henry appears to be more focused on getting Charlottes attention than Jaspers when the two of them are ignoring him at the table, Charlotte tells Henry that Ray is probably fine because he is indestructible in an effort to make Henry stop worrying, Henry agrees with Charlotte when she says that Ray is probably fine, Charlotte starts to pay attention to Henrys problem and asks him if he saw where they took Ray, Charlotte creates a distraction for Henry, Henry says ouu and is clearly impressed when Charlotte distracts the guard for him, Joss complains to Henry that someone stole her Gherkin, Henry knows it was Charlotte (and Jasper) but he doesnt seem to mind. When Henry is fighting with Tiffany, Charlotte tells him to be careful and almost said his name. Henry pushed Charlotte towards the news reporter. She asks Henry where he was the day before, expressing concern. Henry and Charlotte leave to see if Jasper is alright, just to get out of playing the handbells. He is also a charmer with infectious enthusiasm when it comes to girls. [CDATA[ Henry smiled when Charlotte pretended to talk in a fruit bar. ", Henry answers Charlottes call even though Jasper and Jake (Henrys dad) are scolding him to keep quiet, Henry impersonates Charlotte being worried, not to make fun of her but in an admiring way, Henry wanted to say what he believed that Charlotte would say if she were there, this shows that Henrys personality may be more similar to Charlottes than he often lets on or that he likes it when Charlotte watches out for everyones safety, Henry follows everyone in the tunnels and is no longer concerned about the tunnels being dangerous once he sees Charlotte is excited to use them, Charlotte points out the fact that Ray cared about his own problem and not Henrys, Charlotte helps Henry by blinding the mole people, Charlotte tells Ray that hes going to end up killing one of them my accident with his sword and Henry agrees with her by saying that is my concern, Charlotte asks if Jasper is mad at the keyboard and when he doesnt understand, Henry clarifies and agrees with Charlotte that his typing is loud, Henry puts his hand on Charlottes back when everyone is trying to leave through the window. Examples of this include Jasper thinking they were kissing in. When Charlotte calls Henry cute, he smiles and sticks his tongue out at her. Henry and Charlotte appear to be studying together before Jasper comes in. Due to the events of The Bucket Trap, Jasper believes they are exes. Henry is really worried when Charlotte is hit by the basketball. Henry bent down to tell her what was happening. She's probably best known as Officer Bonnie Clark on the television series CHiPs. He tried to akd her if she wanted to get some ice cream. When Charlotte asks if Henry thinks she doesnt help fight crime, Henry puts his hand on her shoulder and reluctantly says, of course, she helps but he and Ray got torched today. Her zodiac sign is Pisces. Henry was smiling at Charlotte when they were all singing the Drake and Josh theme song. Charlotte told Ray to let Henry go with him. When Henry wakes up for the third time knowing he must relive the same bad day over again, he says. Henry sarcastically says Wow, love ya friends directed at Charlotte as well as the other characters. Henry (and Ray) help Charlotte up after she falls,Henry puts his hand on her back. Henrys ego isnt affected by the fact that he lost the game to Charlotte even though he has super fast reflexes, showing that he must respect her talent with the game. Henry anxiously and repeatedly mutters Charlotte as he reaches for his phone to video chat Charlotte in the morning. Henry and Charlotte walked in to Junk N Stuff. Henry complains to Charlotte that he nearly beat her in the game. After they agree on their lack of feelings for each other, Henry has a dream that Charlotte almost kisses him. Once Ray leaves to take the emergency call regarding the cats at the end of. Henry is amused that Ray is scared of losing the video game to Charlotte and teases him about it. Charlotte repeatedly told Henry that his plan to go as both himself and Kid Danger wouldn't work, despite how much he and Ray ignored her. They are also supportive of each other. She found out Henry was Kid Danger after becoming suspicious of his many mysterious absences. Henry and Charlotte have shared numerous hugs over the course of the show. Story henry roth adam sandler, which he is a girlfriend or. They were sitting close to each other on the couch in the Man Cave. Henry asked Charlotte if he could borrow her chemistry notes. After Henry gets his test score, Charlotte congratulates him. because of her defective locker. Henry was happy to see Charlotte when she came through the window. They tend to bicker in many episodes, which other characters have been seen to find amusing. Henrys neighbor asks if she saw Charlotte floating over his watch. When Charlotte iswith Piper they both wish they were with Henry. We asked 19,000 people about the Charlotte dating scene. Here - Axios Henry touches Charlotte's shoulder when he asks what's wrong with her. When Henry was telling her the plan that Schwoz can rebuild the invention, he playfully said 'okay?'. They are close friends on-screen and in real-life, Some fans wished they were more than friends in both dimensions(on-screen and real life). After Ray says Do you love it?, Charlotte teases Henry by saying that she is currently loving it because she was enjoying seeing Rays cape getting blown in Henrys face. Henry Danger: The Musical . Charlotte tries to stop Henry from breaking laws. As they are coming out of the elevator, Henry and Charlotte are bickering because Henry thinks she should ambush Bysh with a baseball bat. Henry grabs Charlotte and lightly pushes her out of the room. Henry was biting his lower-lip while looking at Charlotte. Charlotte held Henry by the shoulders and started to help him off the floor. She is known for her role as Charlotte . I've never thought about what it'd be like to actually be with Charlotte like that," he rants. This episode reveals that in addition to Jasper, Ray and Schwoz also do not know Charlottes last name. Henry felt bad that Charlotte (and Jasper) couldn't go to Frankini's party. After Henry startles Charlotte he puts his hand out to help her up. Charlotte looked embarrassed when Henry called her sweater 'disgusting'. Charlotte accepted Henry's apology and hugged him while she was covered in pig slop. Once again, Henry tells her about his girl problems and she provides a solution. For the most part, single people in Charlotte are open-minded and wouldn't mind at least a conversation. He does not like having secrets kept from him, and always sticks up for himself. When Charlotte asks for a sip of Henry's drink, he smiles at her and says no. This shows that while Jasper is Henry's oldest friend, Henry considers Charlotte his. Henry and Charlotte were both disgusted with how Jasper wanted some hair soup. Dangerverse Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Charlotte is able to tell that Henry is having a hard time staying on the video call so she blows the candle out for him and says bye so that he can hang up. Charlotte is glancing at Henry every once and awhile while he has his meltdown in the Man Cave. Opera News furthermore does not condone the use of our platform for the purposes encouraging/endorsing hate speech, violation of human rights and/or utterances of a defamatory nature. (Its noteworthy for an adult neighbor to know a teen neighbors friend by name.). Henry keeps calling and texting Charlotte to ask for updates on the bird. Riele Downs and Jace Norman's relationship: are they dating? Henry is unable to explain his side effect in time before being interrupted by Piper, so he tells Charlotte to come over in an urgent tone. Henry risked being seen with his Kid Danger equipment to help Charlotte out by opening her locker. Henry's life coach has earned over time jerker, based on instagram, he lands a travel writer decides to. About. Charlotte and Henry sit unnecessarily close together on the couch during the sack throwing contest. The couple married in a private ceremony in 2005, just one year after Tara . Henry and Charlotte are taking calls together at the beginning of the episode. Henry (and Ray) was mad at Charlotte that she ended up recording herself and not him and Ray transforming to Kid Danger and Captain Man. Neither of them believed that Jasper had a girlfriend. Henry puts his arm around Charlotte and tells her that it isn't her invention. When Charlotte tells Ray that she also likes kind words and hugs, she glances at Henry when she says 'hugs'. Charlotte (and Ray) were cheering Henry on behind the set of the game show. Henry was the first to admit to Charlotte that they burned her kitchen. When Henry and Charlotte greet each other at the start of the episode, they refer to one another as 'Hen' and 'Char'. Henry tells Ray that he thinks something is wrong with Charlotte. Henry asked Charlotte to go down to the basement with him. Henry and Charlotte were talking and seemingly joking around when Jasper introduced them to Ortho. Henry offered to show her how the tube works. Charlotte controls Henry using the suits that Schwoz designed. When Henry tells Charlotte to leave the blown up man cave, Charlotte refuses and says "I am not leaving you! As soon as Charlotte comes inside she asks where Henry is and when Jasper tells her, she says she's going to go check on him. Charlotte tells Henry to brush his teeth and he. Henry tries to comfort Charlotte multiple times by saying things like "that was just a dream Charlotte", "dreams are weird", "You're fine, we aren't kissing". They understand one another and their own point of views about the world. Charlotte is the first to agree to Henrys deal of taking their churro. Charlotte and Henry both said 'Let's go ask him' and 'Jinx! Henry and Charlotte are decorating the Christmas tree. Henry smiled at Charlotte so she wouldn't figure out about Courtney. Charlotte was really sad that Henry was still asleep to the point that she tried to feed him her onion dip. Charlotte gave advice to Henry of how to get Bianca. Henry makes exactly the same statement: "So.. she's gone.. Charlotte goes to stand close to Henry when Jasper asks outPatina. Henry stared at Charlotte when Oliver kept begging her to have a fruit bar. Henry asks Charlotte who she's receiving a text from during the flashback in Henry's kitchen and attempts to listen to her until Jasper and Ray become too distracting. Here are some quick facts about the Henry Danger actress. When Henry answered the door for the sushi, Charlotte told Henry not to get mad. Charlotte and Henry are not afraid to show their real personality to each other. Henry pushed Charlotte a little and forced her to say her brownie recipe, in order to distract Ray and Schwoz from killing Piper. Henry starts running the wrong way (which is into Charlotte) when he learns that the Cave is going to self-destruct so Charlotte (and Jasper) grab him and turn him around. Charlotte and Henry sat together at Club Soda. //]]> Charlotte teased Henry about him having a date to Ray and Schwoz. It's up any time. Charlotte tries to help Henry calm Ray down. Henry asked if her gummy bears were still next to her closet, implying that Henry has been in her bedroom before. Charlotte admits to Henry about her dream and tells him she doesnt see him that way at all. Season 5 has seen a running theme surrounding their relationship as Schwoz has asked/insinuated more than once about his belief that they are dating, and Jasper berated them for kissing after walking in on them in a compromising position. Charlotte seems a little annoyed that Henry left. Charlotte Page (Riele Downs) is one of Henry's best friends. When Henryreturns from the past the second time, Charlotte shakes Henry's hand and heholds her hand in both of his for a moment. Charlotte defended Henry by telling Ray that he doesn't even have a superpower, and people expect him to be a superhero. Henry laughs when Charlotte shoots Schwozs butt, Henry sits on the desk beside Charlotte with his hand on the back of her chair, leaning towards her, Charlotte (and Jasper) help Henry sneak out of class. It is discovered that they both hate dill pickles. Henry grins at Charlotte when Ray agrees to go on Rumblr. Charlotte joins in when Henry and Ray are singing. He is superficial, but has become less superficial over time. Charlotte was hesitantto tell Henry about Debbie's birthday party. Charlotte says that its Jaspers story and shes not in charge after Henry complains about her screaming. Henry sits beside Charlotte on the desk and puts his hand on her chair. If you look closely during scenes in Charlottes room, you can see a photo of Henry and Charlotte from. When Ray said that Charlotte called Blake "super handsome", Henry looked annoyed and possibly jealous. Henry held Charlotte by the shoulders and shoke her vigorously. Henry taps her phone for her even though hes already tapping two. When everyone begins to fight in the non-crime fighters room, Henry and Charlotte fight with each other and appear to be ignoring the others. Henry says it to Charlotte in. Charlotte was grinning at Henry and Jasper when they were trying to explain why they were laughing. List of Hero/Villain References in Henry Danger, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Charlotte hurries to the door to let Henry out after he's been stung. He confides in her and Charlotte does the same way. She helps set up the dinner for Henry and Bianca. Henry puts his arm around Charlotte's shoulders when he talks about Ray saving them. When Charlotte starts to leave, Henry asks her where shes going. They were both smiling awkwardly when they told Jasper the secret. Any/all written content and images displayed are provided by the blogger/author, appear herein as submitted by the blogger/author and are unedited by Opera News. They already have tons of sweet and funny memories together which makes them feel easy and comfortable around each other.#2. When Jasper asks if he can go over the list for his birthday party, Henry answers sure. When Henry tells Charlotte how he only has one secret, he moves in closer to tell her. Henry tried to distract Charlotte by saying he liked her shirt. Both Henry and Charlotte were not surprised at the money lost in the newspaper, but by the fact that people still read them. Henry and Charlotte cheer on for Jasper when he commits Swellview's dumb laws. Charlotte calls Henry and wakes him up to tell him about the musical curse. Charlotte is the first to ask is Henry is alright after using the adjustedDensitizer. The friendship and romantic pairing between Charlotte Page and Henry Hart from the American comedy television Series, Henry Danger, is called Chenry. Charlotte and Henry bumped into each other while they were eating popcorn. Charlotte didn't want to hurt him, even if it wasnt the real Henry. Billy Bilsky is a minor character in Henry Danger. At the beginning of the episode, Henry and Charlotte study together. Charlotte laughs at Henry when he tries to fly and ends up falling on his face instead. Henry high fives Charlotte (Schwoz and Ray) in celebration that the machine worked. Charlotte calls Henry twice to see how he is doing on the stairs. Henry told Charlotte to make something up about the brownie recipe. Charlotte accidentally says shell kiss [Henry] later. They both like and dislike many of the same things. It's like there are too many women so it's ultra competitive or maybe guys just don't want to settle down.". Henry and Charlotte are together in the hallway. Henry askes why Charlotte has to say no all the time. Charlotte was constantly teasing Henry about playing hide and seek with Jasper. Real age: 19 Now lets find out if Captain Man is still married. Christina and Henry: Married at First Sight Journey. Henry asks Charlotte how her student council meeting went. Charlotte was concerned when Henry was blasted by the machine and the effects he would soon get. Even though Henry rarely gets hurt, Charlotte often worries about him and is always warning him to be careful. Charlotte is the one who points out to the others that Henrys secret is in danger. In fact, Henry Cavill has been dating vice president of television and digital studios at Legendary Entertainment -0 one of the companies behind Man of Steel and Enola Holmes Natalie Viscuso . Henry Feels Safe With CharlotteThey have a meaningful friendship that is incomparable and it is as genuine as it gets. Henry and Charlotte spent the whole night together trick or treating with Piper, and going to the Man-Cave after being called by Ray. Charlotte knows andreferences to the fact that Noelle chose the "J-train" over the "H-Bomb.". When Henry was telling Ray about the bet, his hand was very close to Charlotte's thigh. Charlotte wishes him good luck as he leaves. They argue a bit about letting Piper drive them to work, because Charlotte doesnt like the idea and Henry doesnt see why. In. He said he was sure that she would get in. Story henry roth adam sandler, who is about charlotte york is a. Emmerdale real-life washington than meets the door i open the discovery casts of. Charlotte gave Henry an idea to meet Piper at Nacho Balls to give her the house keys. In Jasper's Real Girlfriend, Henry saved Charlotte from Courtney Sham, Jasper's jealous girlfriend. In Jasper's Real Girlfriend, Henry saved Charlotte by pushing Courtney out the window. Henry tries to reassure Charlotte that Bysh isnt so tough when she freaks out that her life is over. Henry confided in Charlotte about being Kid Danger. Do you ship Henry and Charlotte? When Charlotte says no, he changes his answer to no as well. Charlotte told Henry that he has to fight Drex. Starting in Season 3, he replaces Gooch as the new cashier at Junk N' Stuff and, consequently, the lookout for the Man Cave. When Charlotte tells Henry that Jasper might be right, Henry tells Jasper to ask Charlotte what shes talking about. Henry Danger is an American comedy television series created by Dan Schneider and Dana Olsen that aired on Nickelodeon from July 26, 2014 to March 21, 2020. Charlotte found out that Henry killed her pet fish, Nemo, in, Henry is strong enough to pull Charlotte over a counter, as shown in. "Charlotte is weird for dating. Their Chemistry is PresentThe two have always had a connection. Everyone points at Henry when Charlotte asks anyone to help her and Henry agrees to help which implies that he is closest to her and that was the reason why everyone pointed at him to do it. Charlotte is afraid that Henry will turn out to be some mutant-freak and refuses to go with him, which shows that she cares about him. Even Jasper thought they were exes and Schwoz thought they were dating, who would not think that, when I watched Henry Danger from episode 5 or so, I thought they were dating, didn't you?, the stars were rumored dating but they made it clear, they are just friends. Henry sighs before he continues. Charlotte and Schwoz went to Henry's house to bring him back to the Man Cave. When Charlotte askes if his hide and seek buddy (Jasper) was calling and Henry says yes, Charlotte is grining and smiling at him. Is charlotte and henry dating in real life One of bad feeling towards anyone despite his best school paper, boundaries in. There is no filter, and Henry is always vulnerable to Charlotte. At the ceremony, Charlotte is talking to a group of friends but Henry pulls her away again so he can complain about Bianca. ***VIDEO TRANSCRIPTION SPOILERS***Welcome back Virals, I'm Miss Gossip and if you are new to our channel, please remember to subscribe and put the notifications on, so you won`t miss any of our cool videos! At Henrys House, they argued over who would have to start while waiting for Jasper. Charlotte pulled Henry aside and asked what an Opposite Universe is. It is curly in Seasons 1-3 and a . At the beginning of the episode Henry is about to kill Otto but Charlotte slaps his hand, ruining his aim of his laser, later in the episode Ray suggests they kill the old bird once they've replaced him and Henry is quick to tell Ray that he doesn't want to kill the old bird (likely only caring because he realizes it upsets Charlotte). They stood close together when watching the Police Pursuit. Charlotte wanted Henry to go downstairs with her, to avoid getting into an argument with Jasper. Charlotte asked Schwoz how Henry would be after examining him for 20 minutes. A half after the first vice presidential . Henry Hart (Kid Danger)/Relationships - Dangerverse Wiki Charlotte starts to explain to Henry why she likes eating healthy food even though she knows Henry needs to go. Neither Charlotte nor Henry wants to hear who was in detention with Jasper. Chenry | Dangerverse Wiki | Fandom Henry helps Charlotte up after she was hit with the basketball. Henry smiles and looks at Charlotte briefly. Charlotte stopped Henry from saying anything else about Invisible Brad. In the same hour.Season 5 Episode 7 - A New Hero (Part 3) Charlotte insists that Henry does, in fact, get scared and joins Jasper and Ray in mocking the high-pitched sound that Henry makes when something startles him. Henry told Charlotte to check his costume. Jasper has blue eyes and brown hair. Henry got annoyed when Charlotte did not agree with him playing at the Dodge-A-Leen tournament and indirectly called her a 'fun-squasher'. Charlotte asked Henry to take notes for her since she'll be in an interview. Charlotte was able to record the message when Henry got Mitch to admit that he framed Jasper. Henry nudges Charlotte out the front door with his hand without saying anything, and Charlotte goes with it. Charlotte screamed 'Oh my god!' Again! Henry tells Charlotte that itll be fun if they all take the stairs. When Jasper asks how Henry could keep such a big secret from his best friend, Henry responds, 'Oh, Charlotte knows.' While Henry, Ray, and Charlotte are arguing with each other, it seems that Henry and Charlotte are on the same side of the argument. In real life, Gregory's portrayer Gregory Harrison has been married to his wife former actress and model Randi Oakes since 1980. Henry relies on Charlotte, just as Charlotte will rely on Henry. Henry said that Charlotte's idea was 'gooooood'. They both looked at each other in a skeptical way when Jasper said he wasn't going to stop think about them kissing. The hook-up scene on the other hand is an A+++.". Charlotte came into Henry's house and immediately asked where Henry was. Charlotte cheerfully says bye to Henry after Jasper pushes him out of the elevator. He stars as Henry Hart in the Nickelodeon television series Henry Danger.Filmography. He starred as Henry Hart in the Nickelodeon television series Henry Danger from 2014 to 2020. Charlotte accepts this reasoning, showing they know each other well and that they both know Henry wouldnt say anything rude about her appearance. Charlotte was happy and clapping for Henry when he got his power. In the beginning, Henry got a text from Charlotte and had to stop the podcast. When they both got back to their universe, they looked at each other in relief. Charlotte doesn't seem to like Henry and Jack talking to one another. at the same time. The stars have shared heartwarming and lovely photos of them in real-life, please check them below, Content created and supplied by: Damselamy (via Opera Charlotte was really angry before Henry met up with her but as soon as he gets there she seems to be mostly calm.