Faster establishment and growth after planting. Moreover, by holding silt and moisture on the slopes, vetiver may offer practical catchment conservation for reservoirs and other hydrological projects. Unpublished paper presented at Proc. DNA tests prove that the sterile vetiver cultivar used around the world is genetically similar to Sunshine and Monto cultivars, both of which originate in southern India. was registered in Queensland, Australia as Monto vetiver. Plants are at the bottom of the food chain, therefore, if the plant is . program in the first few years but once established it is virtually maintenance free in Register for a free account to start saving and receiving special member only perks. The establishment time depends on the site, on the climate, and on the numbers and sizes of the plants employed. emerging leaves. that vetiver can rehabilitate the highly erodible slopes and drainage lines and also very Vetiver grass is a perennial grass with a height and depth of 2 m and 3 m, respectively, which can be effectively applied to absorb soluble nutrients consisting of nitrogen, phosphorus, as well as heavy metals, such as zinc, copper, nickel, chromium, and lead [22,23]. successfully used to stabilise a major drain in north Queensland against a series of major rather than the grass itself or the technology recommended. Ideally, too, techniques for mass use must be cheap, uncomplicated, easy to understand, and simple to maintain under Third World conditions. Irrigation method: Overhead irrigation will evenly distribute water in the first few months after planting. soil movement, resulting in very little erosion in fallow strips and a young sorghum crop First International Vetiver Conference (ICV-1), Chiang Rai, Thailand, 4-8 February 1996. p. 61, ORDPB, Bangkok. New roots are developed from nodes when buried by trapped sediment. completely protected from flood damage (Dalton et al, 1996). during the last four wet seasons with flow velocity up to 3.5m/sec. For the last three years, VGT has been used as a major component of a Vetiver, a little-known tropical grass, offers one practical and inexpensive way to control erosion on a huge scale in both humid and semi-arid regions. penetration of a two year old Vetiver hedge with 15cm plant spacing can increase the shear of erosion control and land stabilisation which softens the harsh look often Works and Housing has recently started using Vetiver for highway batter stabilisation moisture competition in crops in Australia (Dalton, 1997) indicated that under low unknown plant, possesses some unique features of both grasses and trees by having In a related vein, a few years back, an FAO publication** highlighted what its authors considered the reasons why large-scale centralized soil-conservation schemes failed. So, now lets move deep into the topic. After separation, the slips should be cut back to 20 cm (8) length (Figure 1). One hazard to which the hedges are immune is St. Lucia's fearsome feral goats. Preparation requires a longer period to prepare, four to five weeks or longer. Truong, P N. (1998). Limited on-site storage time. Vetiver is not a panacea; it cannot solve all the problems. Low cost micro-propagation of vetiver grass Proc. Land disturbance by construction activities has resulted in soil No technique can, by itself, overcome these influences that are rooted in human institutions and human perceptions. highway network is expanding rapidly, for example during the 1992-1996, more than. A section of the In India, mats fashioned from vetiver roots and bound with ropes or cords are used to cool rooms in a house during the summer. Malaysia by Hengchaovanich. Recommended for good nursery sites with easy access to irrigation. The essential oils extracted from vetiver grass contain more than 100 constituents, hence the need for the separation of these constituents into the most valuable components. Most interestingly among these cultivars are: Monto (Australia), Sunshine Vetiver, a little-known tropical grass, offers one practical and inexpensive way to control erosion on a huge scale in both humid and semi-arid regions. concentration (6-10 kPa/kg of root per cubic metre of soil) compared to 3.2-3.7 kPa/kg for The fragrant roots grow downward in the soil, reaching depths of almost 3 meters (10 feet). minimal. Hengchaovanich, D. (1999). tool for erosion control and slope stabilisation have been implemented for centuries but Chrysopogon zizanioides, commonly known as vetiver and khus, is a perennial bunchgrass of the family Poaceae.. Vetiver is most closely related to Sorghum but shares many morphological characteristics with other fragrant grasses, such as lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus), citronella (Cymbopogon nardus, C. winterianus), and palmarosa (Cymbopogon martinii). Stings, Arthritis, and burns are all treated with it. in the last decades. These are kept moist by spraying them with water on a regular basis; they chill the passing air and generate a pleasant perfume. It is (as mentioned) an especially important adjunct to contour cultivation. Ability to regrow very quickly after being affected by drought, frost, salt and other beneficial insects, as they are the all-important prey enemy of garden, agriculture and supported by the German aid agency KfW, currently has 20 million vetiver plants at 79 characteristics in situations where a pioneer plant is needed to provide the initial Apparently, the vetiver system also provides even more benefits, the most important being the fact that the stout lines of vertical thatch hold back moisture long enough to give it a chance to soak in. 7.2 Advantages and disadvantages of different planting materials The bare root slips are the cheapest but required splitting the large clumps before planting. Report on the potential weed problem of vetiver grass the sterile or very low fertility south Indian genotype. Expect new shoots to emerge about one week after planting. R&D and A Vetiver, of course, has a different mode of growth and action: it spreads poorly. 1998/2. Vetiver Grass Technology a consequence, the vetiver-grass-based phytoremediation is a reliable method to purify polluted water. Education, training, monitoring, and evaluation (of both farmers and administrators). not be equated to that of hydromulching species and the cost of vetiver establishment This single clone of V.zizanioides. Recent results of the Vetiver Identification Program, The four common ways to propagate vetiver are: 3.1 Splitting mature plants to produce bare root slips. Stabilisation and rehabilitation of a highly erodible acid sulfate soil on the coastal Photo 9: In the south, left: Can Tho University; right: An Giang province. Subscribe to our NEWSLETTER for daily update on Medicinal plants and their health benefits. PDF The Vetiver System for Soil and Water Conservation (Truong and Baker, 1998). Thailand. Tolerance to extreme climatic variation such as prolonged drought, flood, submergence the world for soil and water conservation purposes because of its unique and desirable Secondly, as with Both of these are likely (even certain) to raise the yields of crops and trees on hillsides. The plant displays little brown-purple flowers in long spikes, and the thin leaves and stems are erect and hard. Increased maintenance cost following delivery, if not planted within a week. The mean design tensile strength is about 75 Mpa (equivalent View our suggested citation for this chapter. plain where actual soil pH is around 3.5 and oxidised pH is as low as 2.8 (Truong and associated with conventional engineering measures such as concrete and rock structures. If erosion is to be controlled across the globe, it is vital that it be done in ways that appeal directly, and obviously, to the farmers' immediate self-interests. Nevertheless, vetiver is not a panacea; uncertainties do exist; and there are, of course, other erosion-control techniques. VGT requires a good maintenance so far have been varied, it was excellent at some part but very disappointing at others. Malaysia is currently leading the world in the application of VGT for These animals are so destructive that . Transporting large volume and increased weight is expensive. Training of operational staff: Well trained staff is essential to a nurserys success. Land Management. Put plants into 20 litre plastic bag, and tie it closed. vetiver grass roots in relation to slope stabilisation. Do you enjoy reading reports from the Academies online for free? In country after country, more and more hill slopes and other marginal lands are being brought into cultivation in response to increasing population, decreasing food supplies, and other social and economic pressures. = the Froude number of flow. to high levels of heavy metal provide an unique bio-engineering tool for land Resource Science Centre, Queensland Department of Natural Farmers and herders are regarded as part of the problem to be solved. not become a weed in the local environment. Vetiver Grass UK is undertaking . Efficient, economic, and a quick way to prepare the planting material. control of shallow movement of surfacial earth mass. grass is fast growing and with its very extensive and deep root system can provide the Photo 8: Planting strips ( left) in containers and removed from containers (middle), and ready to be planted (right). Description. Strips are bands of vetiver 1m in length, raised in special containers for 2-3 months. Proc. He has won 3.1Splitting mature plants to produce bare root slips, 3.3Bud multiplication or micro propagation. Currently VGT is being used in several road construction projects by CONDITIONS OF USE AND IMPORTANT INFORMATION: This information is meant to supplement, not replace advice from your doctor or healthcare provider and is not meant to cover all possible uses, precautions, interactions or adverse effects. rainfall condition this depletion would reduce soil moisture up to 1.5m from the hedges In India, dry roots of Vetiver are used in evaporative coolers instead of straw or wood. When slopes approach the vertical, the hedges must be placed so close together that little or no land is left for farming. All rights reserved. Vetiver, a little-known tropical grass, offers one practical and inexpensive way to control erosion on a huge scale in both humid and semi-arid regions. of existing cultivars in Australia and rigorously tested for its sterility. Proc. Vetiver is a tropical Asian plant that has been brought to both hemispheres tropics, where it has escaped cultivation and become a weed in some areas. A third is that vetiver (at least in many places) does need some care during the period immediately after planting. While this application still plays a vital role in Recommended by the World Bank, the Philippines Department of Public A new approach to erosion and sediment control. It could be a boon to dozens of nations whose waterways are now filling with silt or suffering from seasonal cycles of flood and drought. Jump up to the previous page or down to the next one. Nurseries provide stock materials for vegetative and tissue culture propagation of vetiver. However this weakness could be consider as a desirable This in sharp contrast to the control site which remained bare and erodible. of vetiver hedges under deep flow were determined by flume tests at the University of This is despite the fact that this vetiver clone has Stings, Arthritis, and burns are all treated with it. The main advantages of the strips are the vetiver plants were established close together Vetiveria can also be found as scented fibrous roots in Indian marketplaces. Hedges of this deeply rooted species catch and hold back sediments while the stiff foliage acts as a filter that also slows runoff and keeps moisture on site. tensile strength of vetiver roots increases with the reduction in root diameter, this that cool the surface and allowing germination of other grass seeds (Grimshaw Photo 7: Bare root slips and tube stock (left), putting plants into polybags (middle )and polybagged plants ready for planting (right). The use of vegetation as a bio-engineering Vetiver has also been used to rehabilitate salt affected lands due to both Names of Vetiver Grass in various languages of the world are also given. infrastructure protection. of a 60m long box culvert section on the highway in southern Queensland. Leave the bag for about one month until the plant material has decomposed. Flat site is acceptable, but watering must be monitored to avoid water-logging, that will stunt the growth of young plantlets. To every thoughtful observer, it is obvious that government policies, farming practices, excessive pressures on the land and its vegetationnot to mention foolishness, ignorance, and even a malevolent self-interest that sometimes verges on "eco-vandalism"all lead to soil erosion. At this time there is not enough scientific information to determine an appropriate range of doses for vetiver. that of rock wall and Xia et al, (1999) showed that in southern China, VGTs Vetiver is a tropical grass and is able to withstand temperatures to -15 o C, but it is unlikely to grow in the UK as quickly or robustly as it does in Tropical and Mediterranean regions. . For example, as all vetiver research conducted in Australia have been based on Monto The plant is used in dryland restoration to reduce soil erosiveness and is sometimes planted as a hedge. Mechanical planter: A modified seedling planter or mechanical transplanter can plant large numbers of vetiver slips in the nursery. Cairns August, 1998. Sumanochitrapan S., and Topangteam S. (1996). (1999). strength of 75 Mpa or one-sixth of ultimate strength of mild steel. The adverse effects of vetiver grass or khus grass are the following: Jeera Water Health Benefits, Side Effects, Honey for Weight Loss Benefits, Uses, Risks, Lemon Nutrition, Benefits, Intake, Side Effects, Vetiver Grass Meaning, Works, Uses, Side Effects, Precautions, Wheatgrass Meaning, Benefits, Dosages, Side Effects, Precautions. Although these slips are the cheapest they are for immediate planting, they require most that the extra water will increase the pore water pressure in the soil which could lead to highly tolerant to adverse growing conditions such as extreme soil pH, temperatures and overburden and highly saline, sodic and alkaline (pH 9.5) tailings of coal mines (Radloff, It is not known how vetiver might work as a medicine. A hedge like this across a slope slows the runoff so that its erosive force is dissipated. The other advantages are Vetiver Grass - Meaning, Works, Uses, Side Effects, Precautions Chrysopogon zizanioides - Wikipedia the genetic uniformity of the planting material. Dip in clay mud or manure slurry, and plant in a good bed. Results from works conducted in Queensland have conclusively shown Vetiver essential oil is a common element in western fragrances, appearing in 90 percent of them. The appropriate dose of vetiver depends on several factors such as the user's age, health, and several other conditions. Photo 6: Plant with manure, in a good nursery bed. been used for essential oil production for centuries and for other purposes around the (1997). Based on the above, it is clear that the advantages of using the VGT as an More mature plants welcome flood irrigation. forest pests. out these hedges can act as very effective diversion structures spreading and diverting Can remain on site for longer before being planted. 4.2.1 Advantages and disadvantages of polybags and planting strips. The strips also require less intensive watering and Vetiver Grass Technology for mine tailings rehabilitation. The exclusive use of only sterile vetiver cultivars (C. zizanioides) will prevent weedy vetiver from becoming established in a new environment. (1999). one of the major effect of vegetation cover on sloping lands and there has been concern Vetiver grass can be eliminated easily either by spraying with with more shade tolerant species. Miller). Khus syrup and Khus oil are made with it. It is likely that this would only affect island nations in the temperate zones, such as New Zealand and Britain. of the environment caused by infrastructure development is often a major concern of local both plants and human. This structure has been fully protected from several flood flows Erosion control: vetiver grass is widely used throughout the tropics for planting on the contour as an anti-erosion measure. Vetiver Grass Technology as a bio-engineering tool for All of these procedures have merit, and most of them are better known at present than the vetiver system. sediment control in the mining industry in Indonesia. Second National Conf. (N. Vietmeyer). weakness will cause mass movement or land slip. application in engineering designs. can force farmers to overexploit their land in their attempts to grow more. There are two V.zizanioides genotypes being used in south Asia Dr. PDF The Use of Vetiver for Soil - Core The grass grows tall and forms large clumps like bamboo. Vetiver is sensitive to shade and this will slow growth, especially in young plants. VGT has also been used very effectively in the stabilisation of a 200m The use of vegetation as a bio-engineering tool for erosion control and QDPI, Brisbane, enhancement and erosion control for highways, railways, stream banks and other than 150%. was completely protected from flood damage. An assessment of strength properties of For faster growth the slips should be kept in wet and sunny conditions until planting out (Photo 2). supplied fresh for planting within a week. Stoll, J (1998). Saraji Mine. This increase in soil moisture could be acerbated when the vetiver was It does not require careful layouts or high-quality control. Although clay loam is acceptable, heavy clay is not. long earthen structure built to cool wastewater on the bed of a flood prone river in An assessment of urban and industrial For example, rents may be too high, fertilizers unavailable, or crop prices too lowall of which. system also increases the shear strength of soil, thereby enhances slope stability Vetiver contains an oil that repels insects. erosion and slope stabilisation in highway engineering. Here: Us On Instagram Here: In dietary proportions, vetiver is pretty much safe.