Thin, Full, Horned Bulls discounted: 90.00 & down. No titled vehicles to be sold unless valid title in sellers' name. November 25, 2022: Auction Calendar Quality Holstein Heifer Calves: 40.00 & down. ZWU0YzE1ZjQ5YjMxMmQ1ZjZhNTVlMDVlNmE3NmMwMzM4NjdhMjc0ZWEyOWRh 8th Annual Waupun Farm & Equipment Online Sale. Sale conducted by Bobs Auction Services, Inc. 9:30 AM Prairie Grange 45th Annual Consignment Auction. 450 head of Holstein dairy cattle to be sold. Timed online. ZTljMGJhOTBhZmEyZmZkM2QyYzMyMzFlYmZhNGE5YjY1OGFiYTY1YmZiOTRm Offerings are light. Hull Farms Inc., 6337 N.County Y, Milton, WI. Top Quality Springing Holstein Heifers: 700.00 to 1300.00. Claim This Business Hours Auctioneer Bob Hagemann 262-492-5125 and Featuring tractors, farm machinery; manure handling equip; large tillage tools; semi livestock trailer; skidsteer attachments; construction equip; lawn equip. NGRiZDFlN2RiYzJhYzFlMzBmM2IwZDk1M2E0ZmFiN2YzMzM3ZmU1NTBhZjlk ZGQ2MzIxNTRlZTIxOTk5ZTU2YTU5ZmM0MzdkODkyNTI0YWU4ZWE0YzM1MjUy Choice Beef Steers & Heifers: 128.00 to 142.00. and up: no test. Bred Beef Cows & Heifers: N/A; Cow/calf pairs: N/A. Auctioneers. 10:00 AM Special sheep and goat auctions Holiday Special. callAlten Farms:Denny 815-262-6269 or Harry 815-262-1872;Gordon Stade, 847-514-2853 orMike Stade, 920-723-2520. Next special feeder cattle auction Tues., April5 at 11AM, expecting 500-700 head. Machinery consignment auction includes a loader, chopper, digger, crusher, blower, cattle trailer, chopper boxes, plow, wagon with auger, trailer and more. Round Hay Bales, Grass: 45.00-55.00/bale. 17th Annual Berlin Spring Consignment Auction. George Auction Service & Real Estate, 11211 N. Union Rd., Evansville, WI(609) 882-6123. Holstein bull; 10 heifers exposed to 4 mos. Prairie Grange Sponsor, running 3 lines. 56 cow complete dispersal. Profile - Village of Reedsville, Manitowoc County, Wisconsin old, sired by Warrior; 1 purebred Normandy bull, app. Located at N13438 Hwy 73, Withee, WI. Here are the seven cooperative principles: Let us know how we are doing. ZDQzZWM4MmU0NGNhZGU5MTNiMzJlNzE5NGQwOWM0YzI0OTk0MWEzN2IzZDgx Sale located at 225401 County B, Marathon, WI. Consignments wanted: we specialize in construction equipment, trucks, trailers, forklifts and more. 2:00 PM Timed online forage and equipment auction. Dairy cattle auction Mar. Held at Outagamie County Fairgrounds, 637 N. Main St., Seymour, WI. Generated by Wordfence at Tue, 2 May 2023 8:26:19 GMT.Your computer's time: document.write(new Date().toUTCString());. cross; 2 Normandy/Hol. Equity Livestock Auction Market - (920)754-4361 - Reedsville Online bidders and buyers register at Also accepting small farm items, good tires will be accepted. Straw: N/A: Large Square Straw: 25.00-45.00/bale. Sale conducted by Oberholtzer Dairy Cattle & Auction Co. Auctioneer: Mark Oberholtzer. ; 600-800 lbs: up to 102.00/cwt; 800-1000 lbs: 114.00/cwt. 11:00 AM Doug & Shirley Rabe Dairy retirement auction,6915 W. Butler Rd. Located at 20600 Kelp Ave.,Norwalk, WI. Accepting consignments through April 6. NDE0MGIyZmQ2In0= Located at N13438 Hwy 73, Withee, WI. 8:30 AM Annual Spring Collector Auction,8:30 AM start all 3 days. Two rings will be used. For a detailed buyers prospectus with complete terms and conditions, contact Randy Kath at Steffes Group, 701-429-8894. to a Holstein bull. Plain Quality & Common Cows: 500.00 to 775.00. All must be removed by March 30, 2022., 320-693-9371 Litchfield, MN. Call 800-937-3558. Summer Hours: George Auction Service & Real Estate, LLC.. Spring Sale, 5% discount. Central Livestock,Zumbrota, MN: July 06, 2022. Bred; 1 R&W bull, 20 mos. Hosted by Jeff Toll & Vada, north of Berlin on Hwy49 to Rural St., then west one mile. Zjk3MTI3ZjM4NzMyYWNkZTBlNjBiOWUyOGYzMWMyMzgxNzQzN2M1MDI5ZGUz Tractors, payloaders, skid steer loaders, combine, planting & tillage, manure equipment, hay & forge equipment, mixers and feed carts, trailers, vehicles, recreational and camper, general farm and farm misc. 10:00 AM Donald and Jean Bucholtz Estate,W1343 Brooklyn Albany Road, Albany, WI 4-wheeler,3pt. Equity operates 12 auction markets and services producers in Wisconsin, Illinois, Iowa, M Home Weather Marketing Info Market Reports & Consignments Sales Schedules Audio Market Reports Field Services Online Auctions Country Cattle Buy/Sell NjU2OWRiZDZiNTdmNTUzOGIxZmI3ZTE3ZTY0M2Q0ZGIxZDZlNjNkZGJjYTEx Auction held simulcast live and online with online bidding starting at Noon. Email As of 06/18/22: Finished Market Lambs: 2.35-2.60/lb. Equity operates 11 locations and has a collection point in Menominee, Michigan, and has a livestock marketing center in Arlington, Wisconsin. 76, Belvidere, IL. Nearly 90 years of Jerseys. Annual Noras Community Auction, Noras Tavern, Inc. 1843 Hwys. George Auction Service & Real Estate, LLC. 76, Belvidere, IL. NDc0NDYzY2E2ODFjNWNmZDI1ZWI5YmNkMzY4YzViNDc4ZGExZWE0YTNhMzQ1 Equity operates 12 auction markets and services producers in Wisconsin, Illinois, Iowa, M Home Weather Marketing Info Market Reports & Consignments Sales Schedules Audio Market Reports Field Services Online Auctions Country Cattle Buy/Sell NGY2ODc1ZTljZmZiNGFmOWViZmM2MzMzOGU0ZTI3ODAzNzk0N2Q0YjRlYTE3 After 60 years in the electric contactors business, doors are closing, and they are retiring. Reedsville Profile. Check in at for updated listings, online simulcast bidding and pictures/details. No location listed. On-Line Bidding for larger items starts at 10 AM. 9:30 AM Clip N Save Prairie Grange 45th annual consignment auction. Sale conducted by Premier Livestock and Auction, Withee, WI. For full info, pictures and lists, visit Absentee bids will be accepted. Dairy has been sold, land rented, and Breezy Hill Farms will sell their fine line of equipment in this dairy retirement auction. Yoap & Yoap Auction & Real Estate 920-604-1704. Facebook Email or phone Password Forgot account? Note: Entire herd sells first. Be sure to print off and enclose the preconditioning form- Contact the market at 608-328-8344 or Bryant Gill at 608-434-0347 with questions! OWUxMDg0NDNmNzcwODAwMWU4OTU5MjM4MmE2ZGE4ZmYwMjRjMzdmYzQ2MDY5 Light & Poor Quality Calves: 50.00 & down. An exception, this week, is the Pacific Northwest, where pleasant weather has helped give production a lift, even if still below last year's volumes. NjRmMmQ2ODlhNWMwMjJlOGFkZmJiYzljN2QxMTJjNjk3MjJlOWVkMzJkMzQz Located at 4532 S. 80th St., Franksville, WI. Located at 24218 Flat Iron Rd., IL 60033. Small Squares Hay: 1.00-3.00/bale; Large Squares Hay Alfalfa: 50.00-70.00/bale; Large Squares Mix: 30.00-60.00/bale; Large Square Grass: 20.00-40.00/bale; Large Rounds Alfalfa Quality: 45.00-60.00/bale; Large Rounds Mix: 30.00-45.00/bale; Large Rounds Grass: 20.00-40.00/bale; Small Wheat Straw: 1.50-3.00/bale; Large Squares: 10.00-20.00/bale. ; 800-1000 lbs: Up to 120.00/cwt. Animal feed whey prices are moved lower on the bottom end of the range, as they are mirroring edible grade tones. 11:00 AM Paul & Jessica Lynaugh, dairy cattle auction plus milk quota. Demand moderate to good. No start time listed. High Yielding Choice Beef Steers & Heifers: No test. Equity Cooperative Livestock Sales Association Plus running riding mowers, 4x4s, 3 wheelers, golf carts. Sale conducted by George Auction Service & Real Estate, LLC. Sign Up See more of Equity Cooperative Livestock Sales Association on Facebook BQA certification can be achieved by logging in on the BQA website at, W-Madisons Division of Extension and the Wisconsin Beef Council will be hosting a limited number of in-person Beef Quality Assurance (BQA) certification meetings. Bid online at Looking for consignments of good, used industrial and farm equipment. March 26 between 7:30AM andnoon), 28 and 29. The weekly average for barrels is $2.1795 (+0.0151) and blocks, $2.1590 (+0.0615). Deadline is April 13. To find dates/locations of meetings, go to, Click here to download buyer application form, Equity Cooperative Livestock Sales Association continues to keep the health and safety of employers, producers, and buyers its top priority. Partial listing with items added daily, list subject to change. Previews are Mar. Lunch on the grounds. Online at FED CATTLE: Steady. Sale conducted by Equity Coop, Reedsville, WI. 11:00 AM Selling market cattle and calves four days a week, Mon.-Thurs. Also accepting small farm items, good tires will be accepted. Includes tractors and skid steers, combines, farm machinery, cattle and barn equipment, misc. Early consignments: Kubota BX23S; JD2950; Gehl 5640; Bobcat 753F; Harley T-8 and more. See more at Holstein Heifer Calves, Single Birth: 20.00-115.00. Large Square Grass Mix: 40.00-45.00/bale. Call with heifer consignments, see for full details. Hank and Shannon Boschma (Sky-Reach Holsteins) owners. 31from 9 AM to 4 PM. Be on time. Very few small items. Visit for photos and complete listing and sale terms. Consign now (877)915-4440. Online bidding April 6-17. Advertising deadline is March 1. Established in 1922, Equity Cooperative Livestock Sales Association aids producers in the marketing, managing and financing of their agricultural businesses. Sale includes brewery items, stoneware, auto and airplane memorabilia, antiques, collectibles and more. Choice Dairy X-bred Steers & Heifers: 118.00-144.00. Choice Holstein Steers: 125.00 to 130.00. ;IHC 5288 2-wheel drive;IHC 5288 MFD 4x4;1988 GMC 7000 real clean. ODNlOGFmNGMzNDIzYzdmNzhiYjZiMGU1NjY2YjIwMzc0YWE3MGVlMWU4MjJk Sale conducted by Wagner's Auction & Action Agency Real Estate LLC, Ripon, 920-748-3000.,, 8:30 AM Hazlehurst annual Spring Consignment Live-Virtual auction. attachments, trailer, lawn mowers; mini bike, shop equip., chain saws, household, pistols, sporting goods, antiques & collectibles, prints, coins. CallJim at(920) 979-5088. Location is 310 Old Hwy 16 E, Rio, WI. Quality Holstein Heifer Calves: 20.00 & down. Mostly 70.00-108.00; Thin/shelly/full/overfed cows: 69.00 & down; Market Bulls: 90.00-112.00. 10:00 AM A Bunczak sale on the Jaes Blume Estate. Sale located at N2494 Yoder La., Wautoma WI. Online auction ends Thurs., Mar 31. Call and schedule an appointment today with Mike 608-214-5761. Auctioneers are John and Al Henninger, Lyle Lee, Kenny Freeman, and Andrew Kitson. Sale includes tractors, tillage, hay and forage equipment, combines and heads, planting equipment and more. Data compiled from state and national market sources. 10:45 AM Miller N Co Auction Update. Janesville, WI. Bonduel Equity Livestock Market:June 30, 2022. Call 920-210-5278 to consign. 76, Belvidere, Illinois. Land located: from Sheboygan, WI 1.8 miles northwest on WI-42N/WI-42 Trunk/Calumet Dr., toward North Ave, 1 mile north on 40th St. 11 miles north on Dairyland Dr., Land is on the west side of the road. Includes two fine Fords and two low-hourDeeres and a whole lot more. per day with 4/1% fat and 3/2% protein and SCC of less than 125. 10:00 AM Special sheep and goat auctions Fall Round Up. Utility & Good Ewes: 75.00-125.00; Thin & Cull Ewes: 75.00 & down; Yearling Ewes: 75.00-125.00. Vanda (920)-295-2975or Jeff (920) 295-2269. Access from your area has been temporarily limited for security reasons. 10:00 AM Live Retirement Cattle Auction. Light & Poor Quality Calves: 40.00 & down. Your California Privacy Rights/Privacy Policy. 10:00 AM Complete shop liquidation for KNT Fabrication. 9:00 AM Annual Noras Community Consignment Auction. No location listed yet. Two rings selling. James Seamonson,608-575-3325. Check in at for updated listings, online simulcast bidding and pictures/details. 11:00 AM Complete herd dispersal, expecting over 300 Holstein parlor free stall cows. 30 at 11AM, complete retirement herd dispersal, 300+ dairy cattle expect. High Yielding Choice Beef Steers & Heifers: 135.00 to 146.00. Auction conducted by Ritger & Drendel Auction Specialist. Sale ends March 26, cash & carry. MTkwNDkyODgzM2ZlNjM2Y2E2ZjRkNjEzMmIxZmMwNTRkNzliMmUxY2JhNzMz No Buyer Fee for Live AuctionOnline bidding on Hi-Bid and Equipment Facts. Also includes 60 stanchion cows: 56 Holsteins, 3 Jerseys, 1 BWF. Open house Thurs.,, Mar. No vehicles, no household, no junk. Advertising deadline is April 1. For more information, contact Ralph Bochek at920-559-0466 or Roger Welsing at920-621-4858. Here are the seven cooperative principles: Let us know how we are doing. Holstein steers under 400 lbs: 80.00 to 100.00. Wilkinson Auction & Realty Spring Equipment Consignment Auction. No titled vehicles to be sold unless valid title in sellers' name. Includes tractors, skid loaders, machinery, landscape and construction equipment, trailers, lawn mowers, ATVs, shop tools, surplus farm and business items, livestock, livestock equipment, hay and straw. Conducted by Oberholtzer Dary Cattle & Auction Co. W1461 Hwy 98, Loyal, WI. Dehorned & Vaccinated Open Heifers, 750-950 lbs: 60.00 to 90.00/lb. Fed Lambs 100-145 lbs: Shorn Lambs: N/A; Unshorn Lambs: 120.00-150.00. Food available on the grounds by grangers. Hosted by Jeff Toll & Vada, north of Berlin on Hwy49 to Rural St., then west one mile. Includes two fine Fords and two low-hourDeeres and a whole lot more. Sale managed and conducted by Wagners Auction & Action Agency Real Estate, John Deere tractors, haying equipment and other farm items. with low SCC. Call John at (715) 581-1915. **Reedsville, WI. Booster pump, Houle 7300, 2016 Hydro Engineering, Houle manure pumpand more. CHEESE HIGHLIGHTS: Milk is available for cheese production across all regions, with stakeholders in the Midwest relaying prices as low as $6 under Class III for spot loads this week. Select & Choice Holstein Steers & Heifers: 115.00 to 127.00. See contact info and location in March 25 listing above. 11:00 AM Huge farm auction at the Coleman Auction Lot at the junction of Hwy. Finished Beef Heifers: 138.00-146.00; Mixed Grading:120.00-137.00. Must pre-register. Equity Livestock Auction Livestock Auction Markets, Auctioneers, Auctions Be the first to review! Miller N Co. Auctions & Appraisals, LLC. ; Cull Ewes: .95-1.20/lb; Cull Rams: 1.15-1.60/lb. Dec 5, 2019 Take a look at the consignments on Monroe's Spotlight Feeder Sale this Friday, 12/6! Call the office: (715) 229-2500; Ken Stauffer: (715) 559-8232; Rocky Olsen:(715) 721-0079; Travis Parr: (715) 828-2454. To attend the in-person meetings, farmers must register 7 days in advance as attendance is limited based on room capacity and to follow current COVID guidelines. Carley Sales Spring Machinery Consignment Auction. High Yielding Choice Beef Steers & Heifers: 130.00 to 140.00. Includes 1996 Case IH 7250 MFWD tractor, 2011 Sunflower 6630 Saber Blade Disk, 1993 Ford New Holland 976 Versatile 4WD articulated tractor with blade, and much more! Choice Holstein Steers & Heifers: 110.00-124.50. All rights reserved. George Auction Service & Real Estate, 11211 N. Union Rd., Evansville, WI(609) 882-6123. Whatever your auction needs may be, advertising is important. 21, Closes Tues., Mar. Equity's Rich Land Livestock Marketing Cooperative will be awarding a minimum of one $1,000 scholarship to students pursuing higher education. Conducted by Carley Sales, Inc.,715-754-5292 or 715-853-1207. Watch sale online at Sale managed by James Seamonson, Stoughton. 72435 Hwy15, New Paris, IN. Includes corn silage, ag bags, grass and hay bedding, and more. Phone 715-644-0765 N14685 Copenhaver Ave., Stanley, WI. 10:30 AM Purebred registered Holstein &Top dairy herd retirement auction. Conducted by Ron Roskopf, Cow Palace North 414-587-4402. Auctioneer is Tim Schindler. The weekly average for Grade AA is $2.9755 (+0.0342). Located at W9663 County S. Visit for pics, detailed list and on-line bidding. 9:00 AM Consignments Wanted. Please keep your certification status updated with your local market. Email: 9:30 AM 37th Annual Lebanon Sportsmens Club Consignment Auction. Equity Cooperative Sale location is W9663 County S Beaver Dam, WI. Equity's Rich Land Livestock Marketing Cooperative will be awarding a minimum of one $1,000 scholarship to students pursuing higher education. Good Quality Springing & Recently Fresh Cows: 700.00 to 1150.00. FLUID MILK HIGHLIGHTS: Across much of the United States, milk production is trending lower along seasonal declines. Lynaughs currently have 65-70 lb milk average with fresh cows giving up to 120 lbs. No location listed. Sale includes brewery items, stoneware, auto and airplane memorabilia, antiques, collectibles and more. Watch for upcoming ad and check in at for detailed listing, pics, and auction info. Watch for signs. Chantel has worked at Equity Reedsville for nearly two years. This is an extra clean always shedded. Located at 1825 Mayfield Rd., Richfield, WI. Choice Beef Steers & Heifers: 132.00-143.50. 16 from 4-6 PMand Mar.19 from 3-5 PMRealtor: Jason Syens (608) 697-0160. For full listings and info. 17th Annual Berlin Spring Consignment Auction. 9:30 AM Lebanon Sportsmans Club Consignment Auction. 10:00 AM Gun Auction at Yoaps Auction Gallery. Auctioneers are Dean George (608-751-5703) and Kale George (608-882-6123). 10:00 AM Looking for quality consignments for upcoming spring farm, lawn and garden sale. Equity Cooperative & up: 80.00 to 210.00. Eligibility requirements and application details can be located below. Specialists can be reached at 920-921-2901, or visit 10:00 AM Chopping and Manure Equipment Auction. Accepting consignments. Hay: 3.00/bale; Dry Cow/Beef Cow Hay: 70.00-135.00/ton; Small Sq. Serval lines consigned. Yoap & Yoap Auction & Real Estate 920-604-1704. Tractors, farm and construction equipment, lawn and garden, tools, antiques, sporting good items, and good clean items no titled vehicles. 250+ items already consigned. Opens Monday, Mar. Email: Wanted: Tractors and farm machinery, dozers, loaders, excavators, backhoes, logging, trucks, trailers, and construction related items At Nitke Auction Center 990 Happy Hollow Rd., Mosinee, WI. Ed & Betty Streff Estate Auction, selling small family farm equipment, farm primitives and several nice additions from a 2nd local estate. For info. Bring trucks and trailers, No Saturday morning entries. Unfinished Steers & Heifers: 115.00 and down. Includes 50 Holstein cows, 8 Holstein heifer calves. 9:00 AM Earl Jerabek Estate Auction. Now accepting consignments for annual spring auction. 12 and 18. Distance to nearest public airport: 30 miles, Top Three Major Area Employers (within 8 miles):Ariens Company, Endries Inc., Professional Plating, Top Four Local Employers: Reedsville School District, Country Visions Co-op, Bill Lorrigan Construction, Equity Livestock Auction, Municipal Building Address: Some contacts expect demand to pick up following the holiday as butter makers are keen to build inventories of butter. 10:00 AM Harley & Pat Jung Auction. This scholarship is available to graduating high school seniors, college freshman, sophomores or juniors, or current enrolled first year technical college students. Premium prices paid for lambs 40-70; kids 45-65. Sale includes skid tractors, zero turn lawn mower, pickup truck, farm equipment, shop equipment & tools and more. Complete herd dispersal with 150 Jerseys Selling. Mon Thurs 8:00 am to 4:00 pm Advertising deadline is April 1. OWMwYjYxMWE2YzNhZThlM2U3MmE2NTMzZWYwZmRkNzQxOGNjMzgwNDA1NDg4 Sale conducted by Bill Stade Auction Co., Sharon, WI. Visit for pictures and info. Chantel Bastian is the new office manager at Equity Cooperative Livestock Sales Association's Reedsville location, the cooperative announced. Lenny Bryson 815-946-4120. 1843 Hwy S 12&18 Deerfield, WI. September 23, 2022: Auction Calendar Port services: None available locally **auctions appearing in this week's newspaper. Two herd dispersals and bulls. Online at Good Bred Back Milking Cows: 700.00 to 1150.00. Weekly Market Report: July 5, 2022 - Wisconsin State Farmer Auctioneer is Don Kleven (608)212-3320. now accepting consignments. Holstein steers 400 to 600 lbs: 80.00 to 100.00. 12 and 18. Finished Beef Steers: 138.00-146.00; Mixed Grading: 120.00-137.00. See website for pictures R Lebanon. 920-921-2901 Auctioneers: Phil Majerus & Steve Wagner. 87 head of cows averaging 81 lbs. Hansen Auction Group.Call 715-265-4656 for more info. High Choice & Prime Holstein Steers: 133.00 to 143.00. Wisconsin Contractors, 2-day spring auction. To consigncall (608) 882-6123 or email ZjBkYWM5NzQyYTQ5NzIxYjRhNjU3MDMzZGRlMmY3N2VmNjNkZGQwNmU0MDVl See contact info and location in March 25 listing above. Feeder Pigs: Up to 50 lbs: 50.00-110.00/hd; 50-60 lbs: N/A; 60-80 lbs: N/A; 80-100 lbs: N/A; 100-120 lbs: N/A. Auctioneer Col. Steve Wagner, Neshkoro, 920-896-2318. OGQzOGY4ZTY1MTg1YWIzMzQ4ZjE2YWZlZDU5YTgyN2NmYzI2ZjdjYjYxOWEy Choice Dairy X-bred Steers & Heifers: No test. Noon-3:00 P.M. Sheboygan County, WI Dairy & Farmland Auction. Call Gregg Miller at 920-980-4999 or 980-4995. FED CATTLE: Steady. Midwest delivered prices are 40 cents higher for Extra Large and Large, 8 cents higher for Medium. Sale conducted by Miller 'n Co Auctions, Newton, WI. Some excellent equipment:9 tractors, self-propelled choppers, combine, forage, tillage & seeding, irrigation & manure equipment, trucks & trailers, UTV, lawn mower, & yard items, other machinery & farm items. Consignments wanted. farm. Noon 70 high quality Holsteins selling, plus Swiss, Jerseys, cross-bred and Red & White. Located at 160 Industrial Dr., Burlington, WI. 28, closes Tues., April 5 at 1 PM. 83 head of high-grade dairy cows, heifers and bull ;65 dairy cows including 2 shorthorn/Hol. Onsite and online bidding will be available. Saleinclude tractors, equipment, shop tools, antiques, blacksmith tools, generator, mower, table saws, grinder, pneumatic tools, vintage items and more. Online bidders and buyers register at High Yielding Choice & Prime Beef Steers & Heifers: 128.00-139.00. Contact for auction: Nathan Strahm,608-558-7112 or Kyle Benesch, sales rep,402-910-6939. Miller N Co. Auctions & Appraisals, LLC. 9:30 AM Bob & Kate Guelig auction. As of 06/22/22: Feeder Lambs: 150.00-200.00; Market Lambs: 160.00-180.00; Cull Ewes: 90.00-105.00; Cull Rams: 85.00-115.00. X-bred Steers & Heifers: 129.00 to 142.00. Doug Wallerman 608-343-6872. 9:30 AM offline small items, 10:30 online machinery. Auctioneer is Don Kleven (608)212-3320. Absentee bids will be accepted. In Texas and Colorado cash trading was at a standstill. Call John with questions at 608-606-4076 or Wilkinson Auctions at 608-739-4404. John & Dee Winkleman, (920-988-8821, John); Jeannie & Mike, Gracelyn & Garrett Bishop, (920-209-0250, Jeannie); Laurie Winkleman,920-209-0250. Farm, farm related, garden, construction & motorsports. Your California Privacy Rights/Privacy Policy. Prairie Grange sponsor, running 4 lines. NjcwY2QxZTU4MWM4MzVkM2JmNjA4MiIsInNpZ25hdHVyZSI6IjFhNTFjN2Zm 12 and 18 Deerfield, WI. To find dates/locations of meetings, go to, Click here to download buyer application form, Equity Cooperative Livestock Sales Association continues to keep the health and safety of employers, producers, and buyers its top priority. Lots begin closing at 5 p.m. Includes tractors, box truck, trailer, machinery, shop equipment and tools, concrete equipment, farm parts and misc., pallet racking, semi-tractor parts, brush mower, furnaces, lawn and garden, snowmobiles, collectibles, and household. Conducted by Ritger and Drendel Auction Specialists. ; 70-80 lbs: no test; 85 lbs. To be held at the Boone County Fairgrounds, 8847 II Rt. Gregg Miller, Newton, WI (920) 980-4999 or 980-4995. Monroe Equity Livestock Market:June 27, 2022. Now accepting consignments. To see sale items visit Features five farm lines, farm and construction equipment and new consignments arriving daily. Butter inventories vary in the Northeast; stakeholders say holdings are slowly growing but are down when compared to 2021. Location Mrs. Sherwood Shank Family Farm, 17748 W. Milledgeville Rd., Polo, IL. Beef Steers: under 600 lbs: N/A; 600-800 lbs: Up to 150.00/cwt; 800-1000 lbs: Up to 120.00/cwt; Beef Heifers: 350-600 lbs: Up to 136.00/cwt; 600-800 lbs: Up to 141.00/cwt. Equity Cooperative 54446. See photos on website BUTTER: Grade AA closed at $3.0100. Accepting consignments of farm machinery and equipment, tractors, shop tools, ATVs, UTVs, trucks outdoor sporting items, vehicles and more. 9:30 AM Clip N Save Prairie Grange 45th annual consignment auction. Equity Cooperative Livestock Sales Association is a federated cooperative headquartered in Baraboo, Wisconsin. Wanted lawn/garden equip; tools, firearms, atvs, gators, vehicles, trailers, lawn and patio furniture, mowers, skid loaders/attach, sporting and rec items, etc. Now accepting consignments. Call Kevin Klahn (608) 576-6776. Yjk1NjU3YjJjYmVlMmRhZDlhMWNkNDg5NTYzNDNkM2MyMjQzYTRlNjc2ZmY1 Sale includes farm machinery,farm related equipment, lumber equipment, primitives, shop equipment, vehicles, and much more. Wordfence is a security plugin installed on over 4 million WordPress sites. Reedsville Equity Livestock Market: July 05, 2022. Vanda (920)-295-2975or Jeff (920) 295-2269. ZGI1MmJiMjk4ZjE4NjBiNDI0NGE1ZjQ1YThlMTRlOWVjZWFiZDU0ZmU2Y2Zj Visit for full details. Viewing held Mar. Visit or for listings and photos. High Yielding Choice Beef Steers & Heifers: 130.00 to 140.00. Live sale at Badgerland Park, W6950 Silver Creek Rd., Watertown. May 1st September 30th Visit for full details. 9:30 AM offline small items10:30 AM online machinery auction. NDdhNWYwOWZmMjY4YTU1Y2MzYTQ2NzI1N2E3OGI4OThiZDJmNjljZjQxMTQ2 Machinery consignment auction includes a loader, chopper, digger, crusher, blower, cattle trailer, chopper boxes, plow, wagon with auger, trailer and more. 12 and 18 Deerfield, WI. Sale located at 10168 Harding Rd., Plainfield, WI. 250+ items already consigned. The owner of this site is using Wordfence to manage access to their site. 250 pieces of farm equipment. NGRlYTU3ZjA4YzIwYzU0N2M0ZDM5ZmM3OGQ1OTQ3ODJkODJmODU3MmZlOTQ4 Cream supplies are down due to seasonal declines in milk components, but that also matches a decrease in demand ahead of the summer holiday weekend. Annual Spring Consignment Sale. Select Beef Steers & Heifers: 110.00 & down. ; Choice Lambs: 125.00-145.00/lb. Quality Holstein Heifer Calves: 50.00 & down. Generated by Wordfence at Tue, 2 May 2023 8:26:23 GMT.Your computer's time: document.write(new Date().toUTCString());. Visit After the sale, all items must be removed by 7 p.m. Spring Consignment Auction. to a Holstein bull. Chantel has worked at Equity Reedsville for nearly two years. Bidding ends Tues., Oct.4at 10 AM. Visit Equity operates 12 auction markets and services producers in Wisconsin, Illinois, Iowa, M Home Weather Marketing Info Market Reports & Consignments Sales Schedules Audio Market Reports Field Services Online Auctions Country Cattle Buy/Sell 29 at 11AM. Retirement auction. Equity Cooperative