Deploy an Arbalest and attack one of the Rotfiends for 4 HP damage. If you stopped the ritual earlier, some of your soldiers will fall victim to poisoning. Return to the main path and make your way southwest. Use the second Arbalest to kill another Rotfiend starting a chain reaction that eliminates all the remaining enemies. Agree to pursue the abductors. Fast travel to the sign post south of the temple and take the path headed west. My Enemy's Enemy Description Region (s) Aedirn My Enemy's Enemy is a subquest in Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales . Move the Infantry back into the melee row. Allowing them to stay will give you a bunch of resources you don't really need and reduce army morale. Afterwards, you will question some Nilfgaardian prisoners who offer information in exchange for their freedom. You'll find a letter among the after-battle spoils. Pick up the loot here and examine the point of interest. This is primarily a points scoring contest so stack your deck accordingly. Afterwards, you can read some Scoia'tael propaganda in your reports. Use the Fake Floren and Blacksmith cards to make sure that happens enough times to weaken him greatly. Since most enemy units have more than 9 HP by this point in the game, you might prefer it over the Flail. Once they start appearing you need either to be able to eliminate enemy units completely or just focus on building up points on your side of the board. In addition, their strength is also rather low, although they have lots of armour. This is a standard battle. You can choose to forego vengeance or you can give the order to attack. If the druids from earlier are accompanying you, don't choose to make a sacrifice to the marsh gods. Continue east and approach the Wyvern for a puzzle battle. Use the recruitment post and head northeast. Even though it's hard to eliminate enemies, you want to repeatedly damage any Elven Sentry units that the enemy plays. You can restore your morale to neutral at the nearby shrine. You will see a Troll blocking a bridge leading northeast. You can keep your distance, which will result in a morale loss, or attempt to free the captives. Leave the burning village through the northern exit. Your allied rows will be on fire - Lyrian Pathfinders can help here; alternatively you let the damage over time power up Eyck to insane levels. You have two units with 5 strength in your melee row along with a Decoy with 8. Northeast of Rastburg Castle Turnifen Enemy Moves is a secondary quest in Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales . Use Command: March on the Arbalest. Examine the gates for a scene. You will receive the Perfectly Harmless trophy for defeating her. The enemy commander has nothing special up his sleeve and you should have no trouble emerging victorious. Strays Infiltrator (Human)Deploy on the enemy side. This is Isbel's upgrade. Repealing them will result in you losing Gabor. Make your way northeast across the bridge. Afterwards, collect loot and examine the notice board to find some black propaganda. This is the only way to eliminate the enemy. Artefact Compression (Trinket)Transforms an enemy into a Jade Figurine and moves it into your hand. You can, however, choose to requisition his wares which will give you 100 wood. Use the Decoy card to recall the Arbalest. Return the way you came and go east for a puzzle battle. Make a backup of your save data (either to cloud or USB) and open all the chests. You will emerge in a marsh. This will allow you to maybe capture one or two weakened enemies but he isn't really worth the unit cost. Continue west and you'll come to a farmstead. Play the Rivian Sapper and destroy all the enemies. All three Spotter units will move up to the enemy ranged row. Play an Epidemic card, destroying the Barghests and three of your units. You will gain a huge chunk of resources and a letter to read but lose some recruits to the marsh. That'll be a no, then. A Guide for Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales By: Drake Ravenwolf Herein I'll be documenting all the choices and their consequences, large and small. You are back in Aedirn. Rivian Sapper (Human, Blitz)When deployed, damage an enemy unit by 2. Magical Barrier (Trinket)Boosts two allies by 2 strength and gives them the immune attribute. You will receive Mardroeme: Vengeance. Do not go for the Recruits since they'll simply be replaced. If you select the Workshop, you can choose to upgrade certain elements of your camp. If it reaches 0 and you are ahead, you will win. Here's a solution. If and when that unit is destroyed, another random enemy target is selected for the same treatment. Follow the path northeast and you will reach a village being rebuilt. Dazhbog Runestone (Trinket)Damage a unit by 1. Examine it and choose to enter for a battle. It will be reduced to 1 HP and moved to the melee row. You don't have to kill Keltullis here but failing to do so will cost you the services of Eyck. After victory you will receive the Shrike trinket and your army's morale will be boosted into the bargain. Return the way you came and leave Lord Clayton's grounds through the eastern exit. Your goal is to boost one unit to 125 strength. Continue east to unlock a fast travel point. If you allow the settlers to stay you can talk to one of them afterwards for more gold and wood. Strays Cavalry + (Human, Blitz)Gains 1 power. This is your first battle using your own deck. Go through the gate and approach the Arachas for a puzzle battle. You can choose to let them go or have them handed over to Demavend. Continue and unlock the final fast travel point of the chapter. You will receive the Crow's Eye trinket after the battle. Your goal is to eliminate the Grave Hag. You need to sign in or create an account to do that. ah I've got the Isbel: Destroyer conversation bug. You can give them 50 gold for a morale boost or, if you have Isbel, can gain 8 recruits. Return the way you came and use the shrine to restore your forces' morale. Have Gascon start in the centre of the board, then each subsequent turn have Gascon target a drone that is surrounded on all sides by odd-powered units. Go through the gap in the western wall to find a golden chest (4/10). Place Gascon on D2 and move him one space left to D1. Play another Arbalest on your ranged row and destroy a corpse close to the centre of the enemy melee row. You will be battling the forces of the Mysterious Figure. After the battle you can read one notice board for local information and retrieve a letter from the other. Just to the northwest is some loot. Examine the dwarven body to retrieve a key and a letter. Continue along the road and pray at the roadside shrine to increase your army's morale. They will consume whatever is in front of them on the melee row. Choose to help the troll for a battle. Place the other Grey Rider in your melee row. Your best bet is to outscore your opponents rather than destroy them, to which end Lyrian Scythemen and Foragers are very good, particularly when promoted. Note that you now have five character units in your army. In the village, you can read the notice board to point out nearby points of interest and unlock the fast travel point. Then again, your army's morale should be raised after using the shrine and we're nearing the point where you want morale to be neutral. You need to get them to consume Rotting Corpses which damage them rather than Lyrian Scythemen which strengthen them. But for everything else, Iike letters that depend on choices, the TODO list, and anything else I noticed while reading the guide, I'm giving some comments. Since you'll be able to increase your morale shortly, so you may want to choose the former option. When you reach the next fork, go south and grab the woodpile by the hut. Regiment Drummers are fine, however. Tainted Ale (Trinket)Boost a unit by 10. Destroy the weakest ally and boost 5 random allied units by the destroyed unit's power. You can choose the let the freed slaves accompany your army. Yes please! If you take actions that your people disapprove of, morale will fall and the indicator will turn red. When you kill the General, however, one of the Recruits will take his place. Continue southeast across the stone bridge. Not so useful when you need to damage enemies, however. Afterwards, you can retrieve a letter from the nearest notice board. The enemy doesn't play any tricky cards so this battle should be quite simple, particularly if you're using the Flail. Go left to find a merchant who will exchange wood for gold and vice versa. Another standard battle. You will also get a morale boost and two additional Field Medic units into the bargain. While on the enemy side, they can be damaged by any row effects (such as fire from the Strays Bomber) and once back on your side they can only add to your overall strength. Go north across the bridge to find the body of a dwarf. If you decided not to hang the deserters earlier, you will find that a bunch more recruits have deserted, taking a chunk of your resources with them. You only have three cards, so your choices are simple. This is a standard battle. If you let Murko leave with the family heirloom back in Mahakam, there'll be a scene here and you'll receive 5000G. Ignore the large gate, which is locked, and go south picking up some additional loot on the way until you come to a village inhabited by drowners. Continue south, grabbing loot from the abandoned village. Foragers in conjunction with Alchemists can be invaluable for multiplying your forces' power. Continue north for a scene in which your army is struck by an avalanche. In this case, the goal is to destroy three boulders before they reach Meve. For reasons that I won't reveal here, you may not want to keep her after this chapter so I suggest that you roleplay these. Instead, you can let them accumulate to power up Arnjolf's attacks against the more dangerous enemies, for example. Grab some loot just below a peasant working at the side of the road. This will leave two Spotters with 2 HP each. You are approaching the chapter's closing section so you may want to send out scouts to reveal any resources you may have missed. Use the recruiting post and grab the resources from near where the soldier is standing. Use Sudsy Inspiration and use all your charges to take fourteen swigs, drawing a Gawker to egg you on. Note that the corpses on a given row count for calculating Arbalest damage. Return the way you came past the locked gate and follow the path west through the broken wall. Return to the eastern gate to the city and read the nearby notice board. Before you can do anything else, the game forces you to select the Workshop and upgrade the Royal Tent to level 2. Return the way you came and go north to find a burning church. After two turns, the unit is boosted by the power of the unit on its right and returned to the allied side. Place an Arbalest on the melee row and attack the 4 HP Elemental. If it's on the ranged row, the weakest unit will be damaged. You'll find a letter among the after-battle spoils. Every limb destroyed will damage the head by 6. Grab nearby loot and make your way to the quest marker for a scene. You can choose to loot it for 150G at the cost of morale. Still not as good as the Lyrian Horn and you got that back in chapter 1! Do No Harm trophy. Leave the town through the northern exit and talk to the dwarf to gain a recruit. Meve decided to help and save her enemies in the battle "In Defense Of The. The chapter begins with a scene with a messenger from Villem proposing a truce. This will result in lowered morale and significant resource loss. You will find a letter among the after-battle spoils. Your goal is to eliminate the Scoia'tael executioners and save their prisoner, Rayla the Black. Unlock a fast travel point and go southwest for another battle. Place the War Wagon wherever you like and use Meve's Longsword ability on it. Meve is a queen at war, so as she moves around the lands of her twin kingdoms she. This is a standard battle. I can't find anything after this point that gives me 5000 gold from Murko, is it a mistake? Cross the bridge until you have a scene with Eyck of Denesle. Accept the gold you're offered - there doesn't appear to be a downside. You want to remove cards and trinkets that do direct damage to the enemy. There is a countdown timer on the field. Make your way northeast, picking up any loot along the way, and admire the view. The Spotter will move to your melee row. Here's a solution. He has 27 strength and 5 armour which means that you need to be able to inflict 32 damage to make this possible. Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America),,, You can end this quickly simply by destroying Falbeson's Guard units to accelerate the countdown. Help yourself to the contents of the nearby woodpile and go through the gate into the mill. Every turn, the inn will spawn a Skelligan Warmonger that duels your strongest unit. After the battle you will find that this is a field hospital and will receive the Ointment trinket. Ah okay nice, I see you've made the guide public now, and it's looking good. Leave via the entrance that you came in through and head north to unlock the fast travel point. Can be devastating if you or your enemy have units with powerful Deathwish abilities. Both cards will return to your hand. Mardroeme: Bear (Trinket)Turns a damaged unit into a bear with 22 power. You'll likely need to sacrifice a few cards to make this possible. Make sure you do not miss the various piles of loot lying around and continue north. You'll want to eliminate the Greedy Forktail so that it's removed for subsequent rounds. Strays Slinger (Human)When deployed, select 3 enemy cards and move them to the other row (i.e. There are three Slave Drivers with 10 HP and three Slaves in front of them. This is a pretty big bonus making a couple of them in your deck a must-have. The Basics of Deck Expanding in Thronebreaker The Witcher Tales Their deathwish ability will destroy the enemy Warmonger. Again, respond as you like. Leave the town via the northeast. If its charges fall to 0, you will lose the battle. by the Flail or a Slinger), it is destroyed. The Solution is: up-up-up-right-right-down-right-up-right-right-down-down-left-left-down-right-right-right-right-up-up-up. Return to Gatberg and leave through the eastern exit. There's a notice board here you can read. You can choose to order on assault on the town for a battle. At the bottom right of the camp past the merchant is. Gheso Arbalest (Thronebreaker card) | Witcher Wiki | Fandom Go northwest and follow the quest marker. The enemy spams Frenzied Ghouls who boost enemy units both on deployment and as a deathwish ability and Rabid Drowners who damage all enemies by 2 on deployment and destruction. Since the enemy has Cavalry that will get boosted every order you give, if your. In battle, all your units will have a +1 modifier applied to their stats. Regiment Drummer + (Human, Blitz)Gains 1 power and 1 armour. This is better than the Fortification Tonic since you can use it on a damaged unit. Continue north and east to a Nilfgaardian camp for a battle. Every turn he consumes the most powerful card on the field, damaging himself in the process. However, it is not good if you need the deathwish ability of the enemy unit to trigger: if you use Artefact Compression on a Verendal Elite, for example, a bunch of enemy units will be left with the immune attribute. Arf! Some necrophages are blocking the way to a golden chest (4/9) so make them go away. After the battle, talk to the man in purple four times to have him join your cause. Eyck of Denesle (Human)His strength grows by 1 every time an allied unit is damaged. Talk to one of the men three times to receive some wood. You will also have a choice of whether to keep it or whether to return it to the cloister. The other will trade you lots of wood for not too much gold. The Wyvern will eat a cow. The disruption caused by the Nilfgaardian invasion has forced them to try their luck in Mahakam. The two units you need to preserve will have 10 and 9 strength. Adjust your deck so that you're not using the Manticore Trophy. The Grave Hag destroys the weakest units on the board. The Barghests will grow to 9 HP each. There are two different versions of this battle depending on whether you chose Gascon or Reynard. Instead I saw more blue than a Smurf adult theater. You don't really have a way of dealing with them yet so you'll just have to take the hit. After this, it's a matter of surviving. You can use Royal Decree / Mandrake to summon two units as your opening move to allow you to start gathering charges right away. This allows for a combo if one of your rows has an effect such as Impenetrable Fog that damages the weakest unit since you can use the weak infantry to damage more powerful enemies. You may want to use the Scepter of Storms trophy rather than the other two. Each one you kill increases the reinforcements timer by 2. Place a Scytheman in your ranged row. There is a timer on the field that counts down each turn. You will have to give the order to attack to proceed. His deathwish ability is to strengthen all other Skellige units in the deck by 2 so you can use this to your advantage. Place the War Wagon on the melee row. Saving The Enemy All choices - Thronebreaker the Witcher Tales - (My Gascon makes a good point in my opinion. The Rayla / Xavier / Raymond combo is ridiculously powerful for one round battles. Force your men to clear it and take the hit to your army's morale. The guide was invaluable in my completion of the game. Categories Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. You will find a letter and a key among the after-battle spoils. Destroying the Light Infantry will charge up your Onagers as well as damaging enemies. A battle awaits you here so you may as well get it out of the way. You will soon come to a fork. The other choice gives you a morale boost and you don't really want that. You'll find a letter and a treasure map among the after-battle spoils. Every 2 turns, it can banish one of your units, replacing it with a Phantasm. Play the final Arbalest in your melee row and use it to destroy the last Archespore. Use Royal Decree to summon two Lyrian Arbalest units. Encounter Type: Shortened Battle. Place the Onager to the RIGHT of the Sapper. Use that charge to summon an Arbalest into the melee row and attack the Deranged Cow for 8 HP damage. After you've used the Wagenbug's charge, the enemy may well leave it alone and it may build up a thick layer of armour. If you look on the noticeboard, you will see that your own (truthful) propaganda is beginning to replace that of the Nilfgaardians. Every four turns the enemy commander can destroy the lowest powered unit(s) and damage another of your units by the power of the unit destroyed. This means that if you start off with a Wagenburg, move the Lyrian Banner into the same row and use Meve's Longsword command ability you will give it two armour to start. This is useful in a couple of battles but generally not one you'll use. Use the second Saboteur on the Spotter at B1 and move Gascon up to B1. Pay 1000G to have the tomb rebuilt and Gascon will gain a promotion, making him somewhat more useful. Unlock the fast travel point and go east. Lyrian Pathfinders are useful because the enemy uses Biting Frost. After the battle is finished, your temporary allies will reveal themselves to be inhabitants of Gheso, a vassal state with no love for the Nilfgaardians. Afterwards, you will be able to measure the disputed peaks. After the Hym's turn, it will have 5 HP and your units will have 4 and 1. An enemy Warmonger will destroy the Sapper. Return the way you came and when you cross the bridge, head southeast through the swamp. Damage the Hym by 4 HP and your Scytheman by 4 HP. This is a point of no return so deploy scouts to check that there are no resources this side of the castle gates that you haven't collected. You'll also find a letter near the hut. Instead, continue north and go northwest across a wooden bridge to find a village. Return to the fast travel point and go south. Like, thanks. You can use your Slinger units to boost him to quite high levels. Choose to knock at the gate and you'll meet Gerwin himself. Hurts the enemy, benefits you. This should allow Eyck to power up to extreme levels. Continue around to the north to find a shrine. Leave the valley via the northeast exit. In truth, Thronebreaker is actually a cross between a political intrigue simulator and an army management system. Shupe, whom you must keep alive, has 10 power. At least it's an opportunity to see a couple of units that you won't otherwise get to fight: Skelligan Raiders damage a random enemy on the opposite row by 3 each turn while Dimun Warships spawn Torrential Rain on one of your rows. You can free them or take their equipment. Use your command ability and use all 4 Landsknecht units to damage the 11 HP Knights. Doing so should unlock the Burn After Reading trophy. After the Hym's turn, it will have 15 HP and your units will have 14 and 6. Southeast of the fort is a shrine which you should make a note of. This will allow you to bring up the map view from the overworld. Spend 250G to bury the dead and raise your army's morale. You'll emerge on the other side of Dravograd. It has good synergy with Foragers and Alchemists. At the end of a round, charges are reset to 0. The enemy commander can draw additional cards when he's losing so make use of your own deck to flood your side of the board with allied units. You can end this battle early if you can eliminate Gascon. There are two recruitment posts here and a notice board. Talk to him to exchange 4 recruits for 250 wood and a card fragment. In the second round, the enemy's units will be boosted by consuming units from your graveyard. If the battle only lasts one round, however, you should typically discard them after your initial hand is dealt. At this point use the Rivian Broadsword on the Wolf, reducing it to 5 power. It is at its default state of yellow. All rights reserved. Return to the recently-unlocked fast travel point and enter the village to the northwest. You can choose to spend some gold or use some wood to restore your forces' morale. North of the broken wagon are three loot points and there's a woodpile to the south. Continue south from Gradobor and unlock the fast travel point at the crossroads. The Troll will throw a snowball at your melee row leaving you with three units in your ranged row. Another carcass will appear in your melee row and two more in your ranged row. Gascon will trick the guards into opening the gate. Since your morale should be in the red anyway, you may as well let them join. As before, turn back and use scouts on the map to locate any loot that you may have missed. Here's a solution. Approach the hag for a puzzle battle. Allowing the soldiers to join will cost morale but give you two new unit types to add to your forces. You will now proceed to the final assault. In a really bad interface fail, the card that you've laid down is targeting one your own troops with its deployment ability so make sure that you select an enemy card before pressing the X button in order to damage the enemy rather than yourself. Fortunately, you can use this to power up Eyck and/or Isbel. Meve: Sihil (Weapon)Every 3 turns damage an enemy unit by 1. Go all the way west to find a golden chest (4/8). The latter choice will result in Eyck leaving your army. Go into your command tent and rearrange your deck. Play the Sapper and destroy the Barghests. Lay the Aretuza Adept next to the Arbalests and select an Arbalest to create an additional two copies. For her part, Meve can only move if Torrential Rain is absent from the row in front of her. Xavier will try to assassinate Meve but Gascon and Reynard will save her. Choose to see what's happening in the mine for a battle. You may also want to swap out any trinkets that damage all enemy units and remove Trap cards. All dialogue and choices about the nilfgaardian ambush near Dravograd and the attack in Turnifen village. You should be able to take out the slinger you just damaged and win the round. The enemy deploys spectral units that haunt your allied units - an effect that does increasing amounts of damage each turn. Gabor is highly desirable here as is Eyck. Return to the most recently unlocked fast travel point and head east for a scene. If you rethink your choice you can come back later. Afterwards, you will be able to decide Vrygheff's fate: Despite what the game says, you probably don't need the gold right now (wood is a different matter), so make your choice accordingly. The goal is a simple one: kill the Grave Hag. This is a standard battle. If you want to feel bad about the deed, talk to Keltullis first and find out why she attacked the town. Head northeast towards the quest marker. The randomness means that you might end up playing cards that are useless to you but this is still pretty decent. Wagenburg units are excellent for making all three move at once. This is a standard battle. I'm missing out or gaining resources. This is better than the Lyrian Horn how? Approach the bridge for a scene and a battle against Scoia'tael. Make your way southeast. Talk to Demavend and reply how you like when given the choice. Use Meve's command ability. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. This is a standard battle. Cross the bridge and examine Gatberg's town gates. Return to the most recent fast travel point and head south across the wooden bridges until you come to a Nilfgaardian camp. If Isbel is in your army you can pay 250G to heal the sick soldier. It's harder than it sounds. Confirm your intention to proceed for a scene and a battle. If you helped Dravograd earlier, you may want to hold off talking to the group of grateful citizens. There are several piles of loot to be found here along with a letter on a body in the centre. After the battle you will receive the Manticore Trophy. Afterwards, you get to decide the envoy's fate. You're battling monsters, so you want Eyck in your hand. Adjust your deck so that you're not using the Manticore trophy and add Alzur's Thunder to your trinkets. You will lose the Lyrian units from your deck and Caldwell will come to gloat. If Villem is with you, aid will be granted, including unlocking the new unit type. You will receive the Wolfsbane trinket upon victory and there will be a new report for you to read. Wyvern Scale Shield (Trinket)Gives a unit 8 armour. The enemy will pretty much hand you the first round. You can either buy a treasure map for 50G or take it off him, lowering army morale in the process. Pick up the nearby loot and make your way around the walls to where you engaged the Nilfgaardians and make your way through their camp grabbing the after-battle spoils. Approach the necrophages at the end for another battle. It only has 5 health and 2 armour so two Drowners will leave you perilously close to defeat. The enemy will start with a Greedy Forktail on the board which you want to eliminate fairly quickly. The Nilfgaardians are engaging in primitive biological warfare. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright . In case it isn't obvious, the latter is the correct choice here. Go though the gap in the wall I told you to ignore earlier. and no armour. Basically, this gives you the effect of a Wagenburg without having to build up its armour which means that it can be quite a powerful play. Return to the fast travel point and use the nearby recruitment post. If Isbel is with you, this will cost you nothing. Your goal is to eliminate the Slave Drivers without allowing any of your units to die. If you simply have them whipped, your army will gain morale. If you steal it from him, your army will lose morale. You only ever want one of these in your hand because deploying one will pull out all copies of the unit from your reserve deck. How many of each dwarven unit you'll have depends on the amount of favour you earned in Mahakam: 2, 4 or 5. Return to the fort and head south to unlock the fast travel point. If Isbel is in your party, there will no adverse consequences.