leyland kirby interview

We head out for lunch before I fly home and James and Anna start telling me about local characters, including the implausible sounding Tree Man. The external only fires the work itself.". Leyland Kirby. And The Possibilities Of Modern Shopping, All photographs courtesy of Matt Wilkinson, Everywhere At The End Of Time Stage 1 by The Caretaker is out now, Farley 'Jackmaster' Funk and Darryl Pandy performing ‘Love Can’t Turn Around’ on TOTP in 1986, Leyland Kirby Tears Apart The Stars On New Album, Madness, Memory & Mindfulness: An Interview With Leyland Kirby, Tripping The Light Fantastic: Kevin Foakes On Psychedelic Light Shows, Low Culture Podcasts: Looking Back On 2022, Reissue Of The Week: Celtic Frost's Dance Macabre, Shit And Shine's Second Album, 'Ladybird', To Be Reissued, Cosey Fanni Tutti Details New Book, 'Re-Sisters', + Exclusive Extract, Use Your Days: An Interview With Gina Birch, The Horrors Of Britpop: An Interview With Heavenly, Maternity Beat: An Interview With Hedvig Mollestad, Rinse The Energy: An Interview With Ikonika, Alternate Utopias: An Interview With Sarathy Korwar. So it's nice to show you can do both. A friend of mine was working at ZTT [Frankie's record label] as well, so he was telling me about these meetings they were having about it. It's incredible. They’re coming over to go out so I was out as well. You can tell yourself, “Don’t throw it in triple one!” And then - bang - it’s in triple one. John Doran goes to Krakow to throw darts with Leyland James Kirby and hear about Everywhere At The End Of Time, the grand farewell he has planned for his Caretaker project… A farewell which will take six albums and three years to conclude fully, All photographs courtesy of Matt Wilkinson Everywhere At The End Of Time Stage 1 by The Caretaker is out now and the full album is streaming below. I’m playing a lot with this idea on the new one. When you're a child everything seems to run in slow motion. JLK: Possibly. That's what I [felt like] - I can't work it out myself, it's driving and it makes me want to move a bit. What was the actual genesis behind the Caretaker project? A raconteur with a touch of the madcap about them. JLK: It was a crazy time, completely and utterly on non-stop chaos, for the full year. It almost killed me. He is very particular about his drinks. He didn't want to sue me, so that's quite nice. If you're destroying a Chris De Burgh record there's not going to be too much emotion around that. And it gets weaker every time, and in the end you lose what it was that you were remixing in the first place. He’s holding it between index finger and thumb one second and it’s in the double three the next. The software exists for you to do this now.”, He is resigned to the fact that in today’s culture of instant reaction, he will probably be judged on the first instalment rather than all six together but he is clear that he has finally come up with the kind of unique closing idea that the project deserves: “I know it’s not the same as what I’ve done before but I also know what people will say when they hear the first one. Originally I was going to make one recording and take it down into the abyss over a period of three years. JLK: More disintegration than the others. But again Kirby’s love for the game is deadly serious. Then after that I was at this point where I couldn't really see what I could do for six, twelve months. Endlessly out drinking, endlessly out with a ton of different girls, just a completely debauched time. There's no real idea behind these, apart from to make some good records. So the fact that Sadly... came out of it is quite interesting, because you wouldn't think that. They're quite different again from the full-lengths. It was the best result I could have had. It needed the context of the whole series to make sense.”. It’s much more than a regional quirk, it’s a necessary survival tactic. JLK: The Caretaker has always been around as a project, and for many years I was destroying a lot of things with V/Vm. There are mistakes in there, I don't shoot for perfection, as perfect things lack emotion and feel calculated. So you're mulling over the project before you do anything more with it. The sprawling Theoretically Pure Anterograde Amnesia was concerned with the disorder of the same name where the brain is unable to form short term memories (see: Christopher Nolan's Memento), and the soft ballroom music that makes up this year's An Empty Bliss Beyond This World sounds scooped and half-dissolved, lost to the ravages of Alzheimer's. “Yeah, the old records will come back into play as things start slipping. In 2006 he pushed the project to its natural conclusion by releasing a track a day via his site, a monstrous undertaking he says "nearly killed" him. It’s crazy. Store your life, manage your memories, share your experiences, to the point that [there are] people out there who feel under so much pressure to do this that they don't actually live at all now. The cover [art] was incredible, exactly the same as the originals. A4 - Rotten rave tropes 5. The second one is a massive difference between the moods. James Leyland Kirby: It's been a busy year. I loved that track. How did Eager To Tear Apart The Stars come together? But of course I was still working very hard all year on music, so I've got a lot of material. So then you started [new label] History Always Favours The Winners. JLK: And then they said 'We want these records'. He nods in the direction of Leszek. "Something resonates there that I can't put my finger on," he says of the track. A lot of other people seem almost to make a point of not putting too much of their personalities into their music, or of not giving too much away. The electronic musician adopted his granddad’s name to differentiate himself from the numerous other James Kirbys out there and, perhaps, he has also adopted his forebear’s busy-ness, his need to keep moving, his heavy reliance on a quick wit and an awareness of opportunity. I actually played your latest Caretaker album to a friend of mine who doesn't know anything about you or your music, and doesn't usually listen to a lot of this kind of stuff. He is now ambivalent about his six year stay in Germany: “It was too messy… too disruptive… too many people visiting every weekend. It's unbelievable the amount of music here I have that's unreleased, and I know that if I put it out, it would be too much for people. Most famous for his project Everywhere at the End of Time . Then I'd finish, go out and it'd be more chaos. For example The Shining, that's mental breakdown. No desire to network with people and be the faces of something, no need for fame or fortune, only a need to play live if the show will be fun or is for friends. It’s possible to find ten versions of one song now. One of his first musical obsessions was with Frankie Goes To Hollywood - an obsession that still stands today as he claims the only record in their back catalogue that he is missing is the one-sided, white label, 7” warp remix of ‘Relax’. He describes how the game is essentially a one person struggle, how the opponent is actually the board not the other player. Read the choicest cuts from the Quietus archive: reviews, features and opinion, Pop-Up! But there’s nothing. V/Vm, The Caretaker, Leyland Kirby – over the last fifteen years, James Kirby has been many different things to many different people. He says tentatively: “I think there’s something there… When you’re playing darts you do and you don’t have to clear your mind. But, I’m yet to meet a convention challenging working class musician from the North West of England - where to do anything culturally outside of the norm is genuinely to stick one’s head above the parapets - who has never couched the serious art that they make in the terms of a (surreal, uneasy, caustic or offensive) joke at some point or other. Interestingly, it turns out, there is now drug testing in professional darts and what they’re looking for is use of Valium or beta-blockers. So the idea would have been to do one recording and degrade it, to process it down so you would get a continuation from the start to the end point. Kirby opts for a large Jameson with three ice cubes. I don’t drink at home any more.”. The first volume consisted of several towering, Vangelis-esque synth cityscapes, and the upcoming third edition evokes Detroit techno as left to corrode away to near-nothingness. Leyland Kirby. Last year he was silent, but he's followed it up with a characteristically busy 2011: two new Caretaker albums; a new Leyland Kirby album, Eager To Tear Apart The Stars; a series of four 12"s under the name Intrigue & Stuff. But by buying it they will be forced into different areas [of listening]. There's no real idea behind these, apart from to make some good records. "Something resonates there that I can't put my finger on," he says of the track. Support tQ's work by becoming a subscriber and enjoy the benefits of bonus essays, podcasts and exclusively-commissioned new music. “Outside it is the beautiful Polish summertime and is 28 degrees centigrade but in here… James makes sure it is like a fridge.” He makes a dramatic entrance sliding into the room in his stocking feet. I wouldn't say it was completely finished, there's definitely room for that kind of thing. It's very scary. Store your life, manage your memories, share your experiences, to the point that [there are] people out there who feel under so much pressure to do this that they don't actually live at all now. Leyland Kirby 1. In 2006, as part of his V/Vm 365 project, he released one track a day for an entire year. Last year I decided I didn't want to put anything out because I needed time to rest [after Sadly]. . So is 'Leyland Kirby' more of a personal project? To find out more, click here. Despite his tastes and the proximity, Kirby always felt apart from the scene in Manchester though: “I never went to the Hacienda. Have you ever had legal trouble with your V/Vm material? The worst thing for me is all the other nonsense around it all. “I think I’m coming to the end of The Caretaker. The rules on the front panel of the machine are situated just below the board and are partially obscured by stickers for Polish crust punk and black metal groups. It's strange to me, because I've had some random people get in touch with me who've never heard anything of mine before, but they've come across the album, and one guy got in touch with me and said it was really beautiful to him, because he'd lost his mother to Alzheimer's, and now his father's got it as well. Photo by Matt Wilkinson.. Memories don't just light the cobwebbed corners of Leyland Kirby's mind. James Leyland Kirby: It's been a busy year. Rory Gibb speaks to him about surviving his career so far. It's nice to provoke that kind of passion in people. The time before that he attempted to go and watch LFO and Autechre at the Forum Hotel in 2014 with his pal, the old school DJ, George Northface, after the pair had drunk a bottle of “Clan Macgregor Whiskey” - a present from Acid Alan - at home. On December 9th, 2011, Leyland Kirby participated in an interview with Tom Ravenscroft on BBC Radio 6, where Kirby talks about things that are happening as w. And apart from the OST to Patience (After Sebald) in 2012, things have been quiet on The Caretaker front since. I want to say there’s some kind of flash of light reflected on metal. It's the scene of course from The Shining, that's a complete reference. The V/Vm stuff was very influential, but right now the interest has never been bigger in what I'm doing. Nobody has it more within the genre. Jun 23, 2022 Been in bed for 4 days with back nerve damage after WBC HEAVY ambient roll and rock action at @M3_7LW . Was there any idea behind those, or did they just form? What does it matter how my heart breaks [C3] 4. Music's probably the last thing to go for a lot of people with advanced Alzheimer's. Because I love working, I have this inbuilt need. I loved that track. I actually gave him a copy of the 'Lady In Red' mix I did on vinyl, I handed it to him and said 'I think you might know that one', and he just smiled at me. The sprawling Theoretically Pure Anterograde Amnesia was concerned with the disorder of the same name where the brain is unable to form short term memories (see: Christopher Nolan's Memento), and the soft ballroom music that makes up this year's An Empty Bliss Beyond This World sounds scooped and half-dissolved, lost to the ravages of Alzheimer's. His numerous projects and prolific output are supported by a work ethic that's bracing at the very least, and at the furthest extreme would appear to verge on life threatening. Please whitelist our site in order to continue to access The Quietus. It should be shut by now! When you're a child everything seems to run in slow motion. Those were the calmer moments, where I was trying to channel what the hell was actually happening. Before the interview a mutual friend tells me that Kirby has become something of a minor celebrity in the Propaganda bar; a cherished fixture among its pleasing clutter of guitars, brass instruments and punk posters hanging on the walls and its comforting aroma of beer and rolling tobacco. I didn't do very much, it was basically survival. My objective now is to have blocks of time. They're a driving force in everything he does, from the experimental pop edits of V/Vm to the slo-mo suites of his wildly ambitious triple album Sadly, the Future is No Longer What It Was.. Then there's The Caretaker, a popular solo project best summed up by the title of . There will also be physical copies of all of them - a series of vinyl LPs and a couple of three CD sets (released at the halfway mark and the endpoint). They’re not coming over to play Scrabble are they? I love working on new things. "There is only the work, regardless of external pressures and the day to day struggle. Speaking on the phone from Berlin, where he's lived for the past few years, Kirby has an easy, affable charm, with a bone dry sense of humour that sees him properly laugh only once during our two hour conversation, a single, deep, mirthful chuckle. A huge facet. As it goes Propaganda did well, winning the first tournament; then they changed the rules and we drew the next one. It’s like a dark Les Baxter. So the fact that Sadly... came out of it is quite interesting, because you wouldn't think that. She storms out, he sighs, stubs out his roll-up cigarette and orders another drink before shrugging amiably at us. It’s like elevator music that’s gone wrong. Proper. I was speaking to the woman who did the original artwork, and she said he'd really enjoyed it. He says: “This was inspired by watching Béla Tarr’s Damnation. Parts are barely audible. It's a very tired way that the industry repackages things. The albums are a lot more serious, but they're a lot more fun, these 12"s, like pop records. I think it just does, doesn't it? Ker-Ching! It does not stop. “Oh, he’s giving it all this now…” The only way I could take people somewhere new was to do it this way but if I had just put out an album that was completely confused it wouldn’t make any sense. After The Shining, his initial introduction to the world of pre-war dance music was via the Pennies From Heaven soundtrack LP, and then via a series of original records sourced from (the now defunct) 78 Exchange shop. And I knew that was going to happen, it was too well done. JLK: It was a crazy time, completely and utterly on non-stop chaos, for the full year. But the brilliant thing for me is that I'm never under pressure so I can do what I want. It was an incredible project; I still can't really make sense of it, really. So I smashed a load of them, and sent them a load of broken records through the post. Old school. A lot of people turn around and say 'it's super easy, I could do this' - but then it definitely takes a lot of work, to find the actual parts on these records. And none of it's good. JLK: Just natural progression, really. It was just on at dinner, and I told her the ideas behind it, and she found it a really intense listen. It's incredible. A lot of people cannot do this - especially in Berlin, I've seen so many people come here, and they arrive with all these big ideas, and then they find that the party outside is endless. Captations : Eléonore HuisseInterview : Alexandre BazinRéalisation : Jean-Baptiste GarciaRetrouvez toutes les infos sur l'Ina GRM :www.inagrm.comTwitter : @I. Every 3 or 4 years a new version of 'Two Tribes' comes out with the latest drum pattern on there. Maybe it was the need for relaxation that your body was obviously crying out for, coming out in your music. And the response has been very good. JLK: I've been like that in the past, where you do stuff and there's no emotion attached. It may seem counter-intuitive to an outsider but a sharp wit means one is not a joker. Listen and download below. Can you explain specifically what you mean by this? As a listener, when you go through the series, you will know that you’ve heard a particular section before but it will sound different. And while you’re not focusing on what you’re working on, somehow you’re still working on it aren’t you?”, “Yeah. By any reasonable standards he has always been a very productive artist. Because dementia’s not nice is it? Already this year there's another Caretaker album coming out, the soundtrack to a film. The journey of making the work may be unimportant to me, but the journey the work can take you on, if you're honest and have trust in yourself and are willing to make mistakes and take risks, can always take us to the stars. It really provokes something within me when I listen to it, strange beauty about reflection and time passing." I feel cheated when I listen to other people's work sometimes, as it can sound too perfect and calculated. But the brilliant thing for me is that I'm never under pressure so I can do what I want. It's strange to me, because I've had some random people get in touch with me who've never heard anything of mine before, but they've come across the album, and one guy got in touch with me and said it was really beautiful to him, because he'd lost his mother to Alzheimer's, and now his father's got it as well. That’s how it should be.”), When I push him about what he means when he says “it will all become clear”, he reveals that rather than just process the same records over and over to achieve the kind of ‘slippage’ that he wants, one of his tactics has been to source multiple versions of the same songs, allowing him to use the same musical phrases while generating many different emotions: “These days I have more options than I did at the start. It’s not necessarily just composed of small loops. Rory Gibb speaks to him about surviving his career so far. You can only listen to people saying you can't make good tracks for so long. It goes well with the drums. To find out more, click here. He plays me various examples of new Belgian new beat and techno he’s been working on and some other styles that I can’t fully remember or classify. As well as the unparalleled joy of keeping the publication alive, you'll receive benefits including exclusive editorial, podcasts, and specially-commissioned music by some of our favourite artists. Which will add weight to all the stuff that was smashed apart as well. Because I love working, I have this inbuilt need. Simultaneously, his music as The Caretaker took Jack Torrance's character in The Shining as a jump-off point for a series of moving studies of mind and memory, and the things that happen when they begin to disintegrate. There are somewhere between two and three thousand tracks in numerous different (mainly new) styles. For the second album I managed to find a different version of the same song but somehow the guys playing it sound… low. For years I was working on bad equipment and no money.”, One really gripping strain of music has the vague overtone of Gnaw Their Tongue’s All The Dread Magnificence Of Perversity to it but coming in from the modern classical angle rather than the extreme metal side of things: “This distressed flute and trombone music could be a way for taking The Stranger forward. I ask him if there will be a big Caretaker-shaped hole in his life when it’s gone, he shakes his head and laughs. There will be times when every dart you throw is going to end up in triple one. Leyland Kirby -- We drink to forget the coming storm (2014) [full album] - YouTube 0:00 / 3:08:28 Leyland Kirby -- We drink to forget the coming storm (2014) [full album] pipefx64. It is emotionally charged if you think of it in such a way, it's like this disintegrating brain. Maybe my recent work is influenced by the ongoing realisation that we don't have many days really to make any kind of impact, and often things seem completely pointless and nonsensical. The work of The Caretaker began to attract critical attention and a small but devoted fanbase; and this momentum only grew stronger with the release of such albums as Persistent Repetition Of Phrases in 2008 and the acclaimed An Empty Bliss Beyond This World in 2011. A1 - Consolation 2. And that was that. I’ve never liked scenes.”. Sometimes it's good to flip things around 180 degrees, and say 'Instead of smashing something apart, I'm going to make something much more beautiful now'. It does feel as if things are coming to a natural head regardless. It really sets a mood. To find out more, click here. How did Eager To Tear Apart The Stars come together? You probably try and remember more than you usually would at this stage. For that I’ll be doing 30 or 40 minute tracks which are essentially self-generating. I think that element will be in play. James Kirby may not be familiar to some by his own name, but for the last two decades, he's been recording vast amounts of music under monikers like V/vm, The Stranger, and The Caretaker, to name but a few. I’m not the only visitor to Krakow he’s played darts with. A film based on the work of Leyland James Kirby "The Caretaker"Written, Directed, Filmed, and Edited by Julian CamposPREMIERE DATE - 4-27-2021 I was speaking to the woman who did the original artwork, and she said he'd really enjoyed it. And though they were made more explicit with The Caretaker I guess there's a level at which they were also quite strong themes in the V/Vm material too. For the new album, I thought it'd be nice to put something out which isn't as grand as the last one. The key is always the work, not the networking, not filling out taxes, not how you live or the struggles you undertake to do things, not the days when you can't afford a decent meal.

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