major ens ulm

[19] In 1847 the school moved into its current quarters at the rue d'Ulm, next to the Panthéon in the 5th arrondissement of Paris. Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada 5 Information Systems and Statistics, Westfa ̈lische Wilhelms-Universita ̈t Munster, M€unster, Germany. In 1985, after heated debates, the two were merged into a single entity with its main campus at the historic site at the rue d'Ulm in Paris. Faculty recruitments usually happen upon previous incumbent retirements. [19] The concours, called B/L (the A/L concours standing for the traditional letters and human sciences), greatly emphasises proficiency in mathematics and economics alongside training in philosophy and literature. Read more about student selection process i.e Concours voie universitaire, Read more about competitive exam i.e Concours voie CPGE - Sciences (in French), Read more about competitive exam i.e voie Concours CPGE - Arts&Humanities (in French). They are selected with the preparation of a research project (baccalaureate + 2–4 years). Since its creation in 2000, ten of the twenty recipients of the Prize of the best young French economist have been ENS alumni, including Antoine Bozio (who now teaches at EHESS), Camille Landais (LSE), Emmanuel Farhi (Harvard), Pascaline Dupas (Stanford) and Xavier Gabaix (Harvard). This period of his teaching is significant as it is the one in which it acquired "a much larger audience" than before and represented a "change of front" from his previous work. A recently unified natural sciences library was opened in 2013, aiming to bring together in a central place on rue d'Ulm the libraries of physics, chemistry, biology and geoscience. [29][30][31] Grandes Écoles typically they have much smaller class sizes and student bodies than public universities in France, and many of their programs are taught in English, and while most are more expensive than French universities, École normale supérieure charges the same tuition fees: for 2021/2022, they were €243 to register for the master's degree. [63] This main library, which covers several thousand square metres, is one of the largest free access funds of books in France, with upwards of 800,000 books readily available and more than 1600 periodicals. Main and footer menu. Discover your Top 10 Majors! The school also has a tradition of geography, with the founder of modern French geography and of the French School of Geopolitics Paul Vidal de La Blache having been a student at the school starting in 1863. Sinologist Marcel Granet, medievalist Jacques Le Goff, Egyptologist Gaston Maspero, archeologist Paul Veyne, Ancien Régime specialist Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie and Pre-Columbian civilisation anthropologist Jacques Soustelle were all students at the school, as well as Georges Dumézil, who revolutionised comparative philology and mythography with his analyses of sovereignty in Proto-Indo-European religion and formulated the trifunctional hypothesis of social class in ancient societies. The school's status evolved further at the beginning of the twentieth century. The foreign students selected often receive a scholarship which covers their expenses. The school's diploma, instituted in 2006, requires students to attend a certain number of courses not related to their major. I am Samuel Dahan. [29][30][31] Grandes Écoles typically they have much smaller class sizes and student bodies than public universities in France, and many of their programs are taught in English, and while most are more expensive than French universities, École normale supérieure charges the same tuition fees: for 2021/2022, they were €243 to register for the master's degree. major ens ulmmoteur à courant continu exercice corrigé bac. The tradition continues today through such philosophers as Jacques Bouveresse, Jean-Luc Marion, Claudine Tiercelin, Francis Wolff and Quentin Meillassoux, and the school has also produced prominent public intellectuals like Stéphane Hessel and such New Philosophers as Bernard-Henri Lévy and Benny Lévy. Having been recognised as a success, a second school was created on its model at Sèvres for girls in 1881, followed by other schools at Fontenay, Saint-Cloud (both of which later moved to Lyon, and Cachan). [63] This main library, which covers several thousand square metres, is one of the largest free access funds of books in France, with upwards of 800,000 books readily available and more than 1600 periodicals. A small part of the students are admitted without having to pass an exam. This leftist tradition continued into the 1960s and 1970s during which an important fraction of French Maoists came from ENS. Poet Paul Celan and Nobel Prize in Literature winner Samuel Beckett were both teachers at the school. "Pour @ENS_ULM elle a conçu un podcast, à partir du colloque « Modernités africaines » en partenariat avec l'AFD et le @CNRS." . 4/11 $300. The main site at 45 rue d'Ulm is organized around a central courtyard, the Cour aux Ernests. A fourth site in the town of Foljuif, south of Paris, hosts some of the school's biology laboratories. An École préparatoire was created on 9 March 1826 at the site of collège Louis-le-Grand. [17] ENS and its Italian twin have retained very close links since this time and since 1988 a special partnership has 80 normaliens going to Pisa every year while half the class of the SNS spend a year at the Paris school. Another courtyard south of this one, the Cour Pasteur, separates the school from the apartment buildings of the rue Claude-Bernard. Tracklist : Hewitt, J: Medley Overture in D minor-major (orchestration reconstructed by B. van Boer) Carr, B: Federal Overture (orchestration reconstructed by B. van Boer) Hewitt, J: New Medley Overture in C major (orchestration reconstructed by B. van Boer) Hewitt, J: New Federal Overture . 高等師範学校(フランス語:École normale supérieure、略称 ENS、エコール・ノルマル・シュペリウール)は、フランス・パリのPSL研究大学のグランゼコール及びグランテタブリスマンである。 高等教育機関の教員や研究者を養成を目標とし、一学年は300人程度の少数精鋭校である。 He worked closely with peptide chemists to synthesize, characterize and purify peptide analogs for one of IPSEN's major research projects. In France, ENS has been regarded since the late 19th century as one of foremost grandes écoles. Retour Jeux. [19] In 1847 the school moved into its current quarters at the rue d'Ulm, next to the Panthéon in the 5th arrondissement of Paris. Last year, four students of the China-France Mathematics Talents Class (CFMTC) of the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) have been admitted to Institut Polytechnique de Paris, now other two students ZHU Qimeng and ZHANG Shengjun of the same class, Class 2019 in its third year, are admitted to Ecole Normale Superieure de Paris (ENS, Ulm), whi. [9] Many students devote at least one of those years to the agrégation, which allows them to teach in high schools or universities. Je poursuis cette année mes études au sein de l'université PSL en intégrant le master de l'Institut Pratique du Journalisme. 如同 國家行政學院 ,巴黎高師 . Now, CFMTC has quickly become one of USTC’s major paradigm of international talent cultivation program on the university’s way to build a first-class university in the world. Later, as ENS came increasingly to be seen by some as an antechamber to the École nationale d'administration, more young students drawn to politics and public policy began to be attracted to it, such as future President of the Republic Georges Pompidou, Prime Ministers Alain Juppé and Laurent Fabius, and ministers such as Bruno Le Maire and Michel Sapin, respectively the current and former Ministers of Finance of France. Vidéo présentant la légendaire épreuve proposée par l'Ecole Normale Supérieure : Maths D !J'ai fait ce que je pouvais pour la décrire au mieux pour ceux qui . [80] Denis Auroux, a famous symplectic geometer at Harvard University, is also an acclaimed Normalien. Some 300 works are available on line on in the press's bookshop, and about 25 new titles are published every year.[76]. Though mathematics continued to be taught at the school throughout the 19th century, its real dominance of the mathematic sphere would not emerge until after the First World War, with a young generation of mathematicians led by André Weil, known for his foundational work in number theory and algebraic geometry (also the brother of fellow student, philosopher Simone Weil). In 1986, an ENS foundation was created and recognised as a fondation d'utilité publique by law. [27][28], École normale supérieure is a Grande école, a French institution of higher education that is separate from, but parallel and connected to the main framework of the French public university system. After the Second World War, in which some of its students were players in the Resistance, the school became more visible and increasingly perceived as a bastion of the communist left. The Foundation, presided by Alain-Gérard Slama, manages some investments into financed positions for foreign researchers in ENS-associated laboratories. Among the three ENS, Lyon is slightly inferior to Ulm (in Paris) and superior to Cachan, but that's not really relevant: they are all viewed as excellent. Under the agreement framework, at least other 9 candidates in their fourth year will be granted to pursue doctoral study in France with scholarship. In 1986, an ENS foundation was created and recognised as a fondation d'utilité publique by law. The alumni of ENS include 11 Fields medalists, 12 Nobel Prize laureates, 5 Wolf Prize winners and 2 French Presidents. [39] Above the entrance door are sculptures of two female figures who respectively represent letters and sciences. Former student Yves Meyer was also awarded the Abel prize. The overwhelming majority of french students who prepare this contest begin by spending two. It is also customary for students in the literary and linguistic subjects to go to teach for one year in universities abroad with the position of junior fellows. As for economics, its history at the school is less long, as it was not among the subjects first taught at the school. Major-Prépa te partage la copie d'Uriel, qui a obtenu la note de 18/20 à l'épreuve de Philosophie tronc commun du concours de l'ENS (voie A/L) en 2018.. The school's fifteen departments and its 35 units of research (unités mixtes de recherches or UMR in French) work in close coordination with other public French research institutions such as the CNRS. A secondary library concerned with social science, economics, and law is located at the Jourdan campus for social science. Aged 33, trained in political science and philosophy, she has already been a business creator (in leather goods, in Chad, and in short circuit fashion, in Paris), consultant, journalist and today a teacher at Political science. The seat of the school's physics and chemistry departments, inaugurated in 1936 by Léon Blum and Albert Lebrun, lies north of the school on rue Lhomond, while further up the rue d'Ulm its number 29 houses secondary libraries and the school's department of cognitive sciences. [68] The school is a member of the Conference of University Presidents and of the Conference of Grandes Écoles. [32] International internships, study abroad opportunities, and close ties with government and the corporate world are a hallmark of the Grandes Écoles. Hotels near Ecole Normale Superieure de Paris, Paris on Tripadvisor: Find 20,695 traveller reviews, 50,158 candid photos, and prices for 2,891 hotels near Ecole Normale Superieure de Paris in Paris, France. Renowned for its student life, lively streets, its numerous cinemas, theatres and bars, the Quartier latin hosts some of the most prestigious academic institutions of Paris, such as the École normale supérieure, the Sorbonne universities, the École des Mines de Paris, the Université Panthéon-Assas, and the École des Arts décoratifs. It is ranked as the second "small university" worldwide behind California Institute of Technology by the 2016 Times Higher Education Smaller Universities Ranking (a ranking of institutions of fewer than 5000 students). Decree of 24 July 1985 relative to the creation of public establishments of a scientific nature (EPCSCP). Since 2001, the École normale supérieure's internet portal, called Diffusion des savoirs ("Spreading knowledge") has offered access to more than 2000 recordings of conferences and seminars that have taken place at the school, in all sciences natural and social. [80] Denis Auroux, a famous symplectic geometer at Harvard University, is also an acclaimed Normalien. F-75230 Paris cedex 05 This leftist tradition continued into the 1960s and 1970s during which an important fraction of French Maoists came from ENS. Pierre Bourdieu, who studied dynamics of power in society and its transmission over generations and became a vocal critic of the French system of grandes écoles and notably ENS as the standard-bearer of that system, studied at ENS in the early 1950s, at the same time as his later intellectual adversary, individualist Raymond Boudon, both of them having taken and passed the agrégation in philosophy at the end of their studies at the school. The French language proficiency of CFMTC student who has completed 1.75-year education shall be equivalent to CEFR Level B2. In this manner, a new concours was opened in 1982 to reinforce the teaching of social sciences at the school. Faculty recruitments usually happen upon previous incumbent retirements. Its alumni include 14 Nobel Prize laureates (ENS has the highest proportion of Nobel laureates among its alumni of any institution worldwide[11]), of which 8 are in Physics, 12 Fields Medalists, more than half the recipients of the CNRS's Gold Medal (France's highest scientific prize) and several hundred members of the Institut de France, and scores of politicians and statesmen. Découvre nos classements ! Third Republic Prime Ministers Jules Simon, Léon Blum, Édouard Herriot and Paul Painlevé as well as socialist leader Jean Jaurès were early examples of this trend. Sinologist Marcel Granet, medievalist Jacques Le Goff, Egyptologist Gaston Maspero, archeologist Paul Veyne, Ancien Régime specialist Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie and Pre-Columbian civilisation anthropologist Jacques Soustelle were all students at the school, as well as Georges Dumézil, who revolutionised comparative philology and mythography with his analyses of sovereignty in Proto-Indo-European religion and formulated the trifunctional hypothesis of social class in ancient societies. Email: Phone: +33 157 274 310 Websites . During the 1830s, under the direction of philosopher Victor Cousin, the school enhanced its status as an institution to prepare the agrégation by expanding the duration of study to three years, and was divided into its present-day "Sciences" and "Letters" divisions. Raymond Aron, the founder of French anti-communist thought in the 1960s and Sartre's great adversary, was a student from the same year as Sartre, and they were both near contemporaries of phenomenologist Maurice Merleau-Ponty, musicologist Vladimir Jankélévitch and historian of philosophy Maurice de Gandillac. Address: University of Science and Technology of China, No.96, JinZhai Road Baohe District, Hefei, Anhui, 230026, P.R.China. [71] It has been hosting an antenna of New York University's Erich Maria Remarque Institute since 2007. The historic Paris ENS campus is located around the rue d'Ulm, the main building being at 45 rue d'Ulm in the 5th arrondissement of Paris, which was built by architect Alphonse de Gisors and given to ENS by law in 1841. Other major ENS sociologists and anthropologists include Maurice Halbwachs, Alain Touraine and Philippe Descola. ch has always been honored as the “Cradle of Fields Medalists” in the field of mathematics. This date can be taken as the definitive date of creation of the current school. Lacan, Jacques. [62] Entrance to the libraries is reserved to domestic and international researchers of doctoral level, as well as to the teachers at the school, normaliens, other ENS students, and PSL Research University students. However, Gérard Debreu won the 1983 Bank of Sweden Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel, and there is a growing output of economists from ENS, as evidenced by the young generation of French economists represented by Emmanuel Saez, winner of the 2009 John Bates Clark Medal, Esther Duflo, who won the same medal in 2010 and the Nobel prize in 2019, and Thomas Piketty, author of the 2013 bestseller Capital in the Twenty-First Century. [58] In addition to these fifteen departments, a language laboratory[59] for non-specialists offers courses in most major world languages to all the students. Les classes préparatoires de la filière économique et commerciale ont 3 options : scientifique, économique et technologique. Preparation for the concours takes place in preparatory classes which last two years (see grandes écoles). Contributing to ENS's role as the centre of the structuralist school of thought, alongside Althusser and Foucault, major psychoanalyst and psychiatrist Jacques Lacan taught there in the 1960s, notably giving his course, The Four Fundamental Concepts of Psychoanalysis, in 1964. It is also customary for students in the literary and linguistic subjects to go to teach for one year in universities abroad with the position of junior fellows. Méchoulan, Eric & Mourier, Pierre-FrançoisÉric Méchoulan, This page was last edited on 16 January 2023, at 17:30. [20] This helped it gain some stability, which was further established under the direction of Louis Pasteur. It is ranked as the second "small university" worldwide behind California Institute of Technology by the 2016 Times Higher Education Smaller Universities Ranking (a ranking of institutions of fewer than 5000 students). Jacqueline de Romilly and Pierre Grimal, respectively historians of Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome, were both students at the school starting in 1933. To finish this training I obtained with highest honours the master of molecular chemistry, sciences and . After the July Revolution, the school regained its original name of École normale and in 1845 was renamed École normale supérieure. Clarke M. Williams Student Success Center 700 University Avenue Monroe, LA 71209. The school has a secondary site in the suburb of Montrouge, which houses some of its laboratories alongside those of Paris Descartes University. During the 1830s, under the direction of philosopher Victor Cousin, the school enhanced its status as an institution to prepare the agrégation by expanding the duration of study to three years, and was divided into its present-day "Sciences" and "Letters" divisions. Hotels near Ecole Normale Superieure de Paris, Paris on Tripadvisor: Find 9,979 traveller reviews, 50,123 candid photos, and prices for 2,891 hotels near Ecole Normale Superieure de Paris in Paris, France. It is also the main partner in the Paris School of Economics project which it has launched along with the EHESS, the École Nationale de la Statistique et de l'Administration Économique (ENSAE) and the École des Ponts. What are Grandes Ecoles Institutes in France? These courses covered all the existing sciences and humanities and were given by scholars such as: scientists Monge, Vandermonde, Daubenton, Berthollet and philosophers Bernardin de Saint-Pierre and Volney were some of the teachers. The ENS has a highly competitive selection process consisting of written and oral examinations. Law of 10 May 1806 relative to the creation of the Imperial University, article 118. The former premises of the Cinémathèque de Paris are now the ENS multifunctional cinema room, called salle Jean Jaurès, which often hosts major cultural and scientific events. - Competitive Programming Hall of Fame . However, the ENS system is different from that of most higher education systems outside France, thus making it difficult to compare with foreign institutions; in particular, it is much smaller than a typical English collegiate university. Its model has been replicated elsewhere, in France (at the ENSes of Lyon, Paris-Saclay, and Rennes), in Italy (at the Scuola Normale Superiore in Pisa[17]), in Romania, in China and in former French colonies such as Morocco, Algeria, Mali, Mauritania, and Cameroon. Third Republic Prime Ministers Jules Simon, Léon Blum, Édouard Herriot and Paul Painlevé as well as socialist leader Jean Jaurès were early examples of this trend. The school was created based on a recommendation by Joseph Lakanal and Dominique-Joseph Garat, who were part of the commission on public education. The Quartier Latin, where the ENS is located, is noted as the very heart of Paris through centuries for its rich intellectual and cultural activity. Only 3 final listed candidates from mainland China are finally admitted to the major of mathematics since the ENS opens 20 positions for international students this year, 10 positions in Sciences including Biology, Chemistry, Earthscience, Computing science, Mathematics, Physics, Cognitive sciences, and 10 positions in Arts and Humanities. [18] The establishment was opened in 1810, its strict code including a mandatory uniform. Shockingly, they did not have, and to this day they . Compte officiel de l'École normale supérieure | PSL composante de @psl_univ Riche de deux siècles. The decree of 26 August 1987 states that the Minister for Higher Education and Research has authority over ENS in the same way rectors have authority over universities, thus ensuring ENS's independence from the mainstream university system. [18] The establishment was opened in 1810, its strict code including a mandatory uniform. These buildings house the administrative functions of the school, and some of its literary departments (philosophy, literature, classics and archeology), its mathematics and computer science departments, as well as its main human sciences library. It has for example financed the Louis Pasteur villa, situated close by ENS, which welcomes foreign researchers for extended stays. Alumnus Paul Sabatier won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry. La conférence Olivaint s'est associé à l'ENS Ulm pour accueillir "Les rencontres stratégiques 2016" portait sur le thème de "La France en guerre" et réunissait une dizaine de professionnels du paysage militaire, diplomatique et culturel pour débattre des questions de défense et de sécurité. [23] During its history and due to the far reach of the French Empire during the colonial era, many schools have been created around the world based on the ENS model, from Haiti (in Port-au-Prince) to Vietnam (in Hanoi) to the Maghreb (in Tunis, Casablanca, Oran, and Rabat to name but a few) and Subsaharan Africa (in Nouakchott, Libreville, Yaoundé, Dakar, Niamey, Bangui for example). 10,855 were here. The students selected via the concours remain at the school for a length of time ranging from four to six years. The historic Paris ENS campus is located around the rue d'Ulm, the main building being at 45 rue d'Ulm in the 5th arrondissement of Paris, which was built by architect Alphonse de Gisors and given to ENS by law in 1841. The students will be given French language courses every week. In 1953 it was made autonomous from the University of Paris,[24] but it was perceived ambivalently by the authorities as a nexus of protest, particularly due to the teachings delivered there by such controversial figures as political philosopher Louis Althusser. Another courtyard south of this one, the Cour Pasteur, separates the school from the apartment buildings of the rue Claude-Bernard. Art. The site's monument aux morts, which was inaugurated in 1923 and stands as a reminder of the normaliens who died in the First World War, is a work by Paul Landowski.[40]. Behind the main building, the Immeuble Rataud, entirely build in glass and concrete architecture, hosts the General humanities Library and the Mathematics Library. The school has a long-standing reputation as a training ground for men and women of letters, and its alumni include novelist and dramatist Jean Giraudoux, many of whose plays among which The Trojan War Will Not Take Place and Amphitryon 38 have become staple elements of the French theatrical repertory; and acclaimed novelist Julien Gracq, whose 1951 novel The Opposing Shore is now considered a classic. [33][34] Degrees from École normale supérieure are accredited by the Conférence des Grandes Écoles[35] and awarded by the Ministry of National Education (France) (French: Le Ministère de L'éducation Nationale). I am a lawyer, mediator and law professor. However, women were not explicitly barred entry until a law of 1940, and some women were students at Ulm before this date, such as philosopher Simone Weil[26] and classicist Jacqueline de Romilly. In 1975 the school founded its university press, first called Presses de l'ENS then renamed in 1997 to Editions Rue d'Ulm. Answer (1 of 2): I can speak very well only for the MPI contest (Mathematics, Physics, Computer Science), although one may suspect that this advice can be easily transposed to other entry contests of ENS. Both Flacelière and Bousquet were distinguished classicists. [69], The Scuola Normale Superiore in Pisa was founded in 1810 as a branch of the École normale supérieure by Napoleon and later gained independence. The music room is also located there, while the upper floors teem with student life in the dormitory rooms. Its position as a leading institution in the training of the critical spirit has made ENS into France's premier training ground for future philosophers and producers of what has been called by some "French theory". The École normale supérieure - PSL (French pronunciation: ​[ekɔl nɔʁmal sypeʁjœʁ]; also known as ENS, Normale sup', Ulm or ENS Paris) is a grande école university in Paris, France. After entering the USTC, based on their competition records on mathematics and physics, and the result of the first math exam in the USTC, the education committee of the Chinese side will make an oral exam to choose about the best 25 students. A secondary library concerned with social science, economics, and law is located at the Jourdan campus for social science. Minister for Higher Education and Research, École normale supérieure de jeunes filles, École des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, École Nationale de la Statistique et de l'Administration Économique, Paris Sciences et Lettres University § International university rankings, the institution with the most Fields medallist alumni, The Four Fundamental Concepts of Psychoanalysis, Bank of Sweden Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel, Academic staff of the École Normale Supérieure, École nationale supérieure des mines de Paris, Paris Sciences et Lettres – Quartier latin, "L'Institution - École normale supérieure - Paris", "Faits et chiffres – École normale supérieure – Paris", "Marc Mézard nommé directeur de l'ENS-Ulm", "ENS Cachan Bretagne – Les écoles de l'an III", "Conference on structure of ENS, Pierre Petitmengin, 17 October 2003", "Law granting ENS students the status of civil servants", "ENS page presenting the status (in French)", "Hsu & Wai survey of universities worldwide ranked by ratio of Nobel laureates to alumni", "Encyclopedia of Bourges biography of Simone Weil", "Article on the fusion of ENS Lyon and ENS-LSH referencing the former merger of Ulm and Sèvres". ENS works closely with the École des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS), the Paris-Sorbonne University, the Panthéon-Sorbonne University, HEC Paris and ESSEC Business School in particular to deliver joint diplomas to a certain number of students who have followed courses shared between the two institutions. Founded to train high school teachers through the agrégation, ENS is now an institution training researchers, professors, high-level civil servants, as well as business and political leaders. lules mare amb aquest inhibidor n'estimula la regeneració i, en conseqüència, el trasplantament millora l'esperança de vida en ratolins. Two hundred normaliens are thus recruited every year, half of them in the sciences and the same number in the humanities, and receive a monthly salary (around €1,350/month in 2018), and in exchange they sign a ten-year contract to work for the state. CONNEXION. These twelve former students have made ENS the institution with the most Fields medallist alumni of any institution worldwide. PhD students at ENS are either graduate students from the ENS doctoral school[41] or from another doctoral school co-accredited by ENS. +33 (0)1 44 32 30 00 (standard) Main and footer menu. [70], ENS welcomes international researchers for one-year stays through the mediation of the Paris Institute of Advanced Research and the Villa Louis-Pasteur. [12][13] The school has achieved particular recognition in the fields of mathematics and physics as one of France's foremost scientific training grounds, along with international notability in the human sciences as the spiritual birthplace of authors such as Julien Gracq, Jean Giraudoux, Assia Djebar, and Charles Péguy, philosophers such as Henri Bergson, Jean-Paul Sartre, Louis Althusser, Simone Weil, Maurice Merleau-Ponty and Alain Badiou, social scientists such as Émile Durkheim, Raymond Aron, and Pierre Bourdieu, and "French theorists" such as Michel Foucault and Jacques Derrida.

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